Saturday, July 1, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Review: Protecting Kiera by Susan Stoker


Protecting Kiera
(SEAL of Protection #10)
Susan Stoker


Cooper Nelson’s SEAL career was cut drastically short when an explosion left him almost completely deaf. With so much of his pride and self-worth tied to the profession he loved above all else, Coop struggles in his nearly silent new world, his future seemingly bleak…until Commander Hurt badgers him into volunteering at the Riverton School for the Deaf. There, he meets teacher Kiera Hamilton, who opens his eyes—and his heart—to a love more fulfilling than any job could be.

Ten years his senior, Kiera can’t believe Coop would ever be interested in anything long term, but he patiently proves her wrong. And she’s not the only one enamored with the sexy former-SEAL—her impressionable first-grade students are enthralled with the man, especially Frankie. The troubled young boy flourishes with each of Cooper’s visits, which only makes Kiera fall harder.

As he learns ASL, connects with the students, and gets closer to Kiera, Coop’s happier than he’s ever been…until an attempted abduction at the school threatens to take away everything that makes his new life worth living. 

Review:                                 5 stars

Cooper Nelson’s SEAL career was cut short when an explosion left him almost completely deaf. his life is now so changed he feels like there is no purpose to his life and even harder it is to finding something worth doing in civilian life.
His Commander Hurt talks him into volunteering at Riverton School for the Deaf, and this is where his life take a turn for the better, this is where he meets Kiera Hamilton.
10 yeas his senior Kiera can't believe that Cooper would come even close to be interested in her, in anything long term, but Coop is patient when he wants something and he proves her how wrong she is.
Even her students are enthralled by Cooper specially young Frankie who flourishes with each visit Cooper, all of this make her fall even more for the former Seal. As he learns ASL he connects with he students and manages to get closer to Kiera and Coop is the happiest he has been in a very long time.
A great story, fast and so totally worth reading, as usual I can't wait for Susan Stoker's next book.

I received a free copy for my honest review!

Review by Jara

Happy Reading!

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