Thursday, July 20, 2017

Virtual Book Tour w/Giveaway: Taking Chances by Kimberley O'Malley

Contemporary Romance
Date Published: 20 June, 2017
Publisher: Carolina Blue Publishing

Katie Fitzgerald learned the hard way about love. She vowed to never get involved with a doctor at work, and when she did, he broke her heart. Older and wiser, Katie is serious about never getting hurt again. Dr. Flynn Reynolds, staff cardiologist at Windsor Falls Memorial, just might be the man to change her mind. Attraction explodes between the two from their very first meeting. But Katie is determined to protect her heart. Will Flynn convince her to take another chance?

Kimberley O’Malley is a recent transplant to Charlotte, North Carolina from the frozen North. She is learning to say y’all but draws the line at sweet tea. Sarcasm is an art form in her world. When not writing, she is a full-time nurse and part-time soccer Mom, but not necessarily in that order. She shares her life with an amazing husband of more than twenty years, two teenagers, and one very sweet Shetland Sheepdog, Molly.

Contact Information
Facebook: Author Kimberley O’Malley
Twitter: @K_OMalley67
Instagram: kimberleyomalley67

Purchase Links: 

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