Saturday, July 15, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Saturday Spotlight w/Giveaway: Zeta Cartel Series


Welcome To EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads
Saturday Spotlight!

Zeta Cartel Series
by A. J. Adams

Enter below for a chance to win 1 of 6 copies of 
The Bonus from A. J. Adams!

Enter into the violent world of the Zeta cartel, where death and romance go hand in hand. AJ Adams novels are all self-standing and although characters wander in and out of various stories, you need not read them all - although it would be awesome if you did!

Chloe is a seasoned drug courier who finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Facing a lingering and painful death at the hands of the Zetas, Mexico’s most brutal cartel, she persuades their enforcer to claim her. Has Chloe made a huge mistake, or will her choice prove her salvation - and his?


You know, ever since He set me free I’ve slept in jammies, unable to stand the sight of those little burn marks that dot my thighs, my breasts and my stomach. Now I lay in the hulk’s arms and examined them with new eyes. This was my body. Mine. Those weren’t reminders of what I was, or even what I had been; they were symbols of survival.

As the implications of this flooded over me, it was as if the world shimmered and reformed around me. I felt like I’d been forged in fire and born again. Like a phoenix. Or maybe I was an entirely new thing altogether.

I stretched luxuriously, feeling good all over. Then I saw the hulk looking at me, his slate coloured eyes inches from mine. I couldn’t see what he was thinking. He was staring straight at me, as if he was looking to see inside me.

For a moment my feeling of freedom faltered, my new-found confidence threatened to vanish like ice in the sun, but then he smiled. It was a big happy beaming cheeky grin that lit up his eyes and made the little wrinkles around them dance. It was like seeing a statue come to life. Cold stone was replaced with warm humanity. Warm, sweet, friendly humanity. Like toast with butter and honey.

When cartel boss Arturo Vazquez discovers his girlfriend Gina is a DEA rat and his deputy Escamilla is staging a take-over, Arturo fixes his problems by killing everyone - except for Solitaire, Escamilla’s unwilling mistress. Solitaire is intelligent, tough, and shares Arturo’s interest in BDSM. Arturo falls head over heels but someone is leaking information - and the evidence point at Solitaire.


“You’re the big boss.” She looked up at me and smiled. She was dressed in a cheap cotton shirt and jeans that should be on the burn pile, but that smile was pure gold. This girl had guts.

“I told José he was a fool to try and cheat you,” she said. “I wasn’t part of it, and I don’t work for you. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

She’d heard about our policy protecting bystanders. Of course it doesn’t apply to anyone whose eyewitness testimony can put me in a courtroom. Well, try to put me in a courtroom. In Mexico nobody would dare accuse me, and I’ve enough resources in England to guarantee a police investigation would come to nothing, but it’s not my style to take chances. Solitaire would be going into the ground along with Escamilla.

“Mr Vazquez,” Solitaire gave me her best smile. “I don’t expect something for nothing.” She dropped her voice. “You’d like me,” she whispered. “I’ve heard about you. We’re the same.”

“Are we?”

“Yes, I can make you very happy.” She brushed my hand over her cheek and then kissed my palm. “I’m a very good girl,” she said quietly. “Unless you prefer a naughty one?”

She sucked my thumb, and I was instantly rock hard. “You’re the big boss.” She looked up at me and smiled. She was dressed in a cheap cotton shirt and jeans that should be on the burn pile, but that smile was pure gold. This girl had guts.

“I told José he was a fool to try and cheat you,” she said. “I wasn’t part of it, and I don’t work for you. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

She’d heard about our policy protecting bystanders. Of course it doesn’t apply to anyone whose eyewitness testimony can put me in a courtroom. Well, try to put me in a courtroom. In Mexico nobody would dare accuse me, and I’ve enough resources in England to guarantee a police investigation would come to nothing, but it’s not my style to take chances. Solitaire would be going into the ground along with Escamilla.

“Mr Vazquez,” Solitaire gave me her best smile. “I don’t expect something for nothing.” She dropped her voice. “You’d like me,” she whispered. “I’ve heard about you. We’re the same.”

“Are we?”

“Yes, I can make you very happy.” She brushed my hand over her cheek and then kissed my palm. “I’m a very good girl,” she said quietly. “Unless you prefer a naughty one?”

She sucked my thumb, and I was instantly rock hard.

Quique is having a bad time. Back in Mexico his marriage has fallen apart and his wife has made him a laughing stock by cheating on him. Now he’s in London and finding himself out of his depth with a complex commercial deal. To make things worse, Natalia Truelove, a chef and pub manager, is blackmailing him. Quique is ready to commit murder and he’s pretty sure who his first victim will be.


I could’ve fucking strangled her. She knew it too because she stepped away quickly. “Touch me and I’ll have you!” she snarled.

“Bruja mala leche! What the fuck do you think you’re playing at! You can’t push me around!”

“Sure I can.” Her eyes were slate grey, the same colour as the sky, and just as cold. “I need help, and you’re going to give it.” 

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’ve got a situation. I need someone who isn’t afraid of murder and mayhem.”

I should have charmed her, offered to help and maybe it would have settled it, but I was too mad to even consider it. “Help you? Over my dead fucking body!”

She shrugged. “We can do it that way, too.” She took out her phone. “I’ll call you soon, hopefully within the hour. If you still refuse, I call Smith.” The eyes were hard. “I’d rather not shop you, because I hate that bastard, but I will if you make me.”

I gave her my number. I mean, I wanted to kill her, but in London they notice things like bodies in the street. Especially if you’re careless enough to do it in broad daylight next to a cop shop.

Tell us about The Zeta Cartel series. 

The Zetas are the ultimate bad boys. Kyle, Arturo, and Quique are ruthless and deadly. But they have a saving grace: they have a code of honour and they follow it, even if it means putting their own lives in danger. You can’t approve of the Zetas, but you will find it difficult not to like them.

My girls aren’t angels, either. Chloe has a tragic past and ends up working as a drug courier for an extremely dangerous man who terrifies her. Solitaire was double crossed and ended up working for organised crime syndicates in Europe and North Africa. Natalia was a thoroughly nice woman, and law abiding, but she has a shady family and when put under tremendous pressure, she decided that might is right.

On the surface, these women look appalling, but they have heart. They will do whatever it takes to protect their families, and when it comes to dealing with trouble, they kick ass. These girls aren’t helpless heroines who stand about and scream. They are the ones who turn the tables on the bad guys and make them scream! So you can imagine what happens when they cross paths with the bad boys of the Zeta cartel. It’s fireworks!

What initially inspired you to write The Zeta Cartel series?
I love bad boys and I adore women who play at the same level. I’m not really sure if I write these stories because when I put pen to paper, the characters take over and write themselves.

Tell us little about the characters in The Zeta Cartel series.
In The Bonus: Kyle Suarez was a patriot, a black ops man who put his life at risk for his country a thousand times. His experiences soured him, and he ended up working for Arturo, his half brother, and leader of the Zeta Cartel. Kyle is mad, bad and dangerous to know but when he meets Chloe, a drugs courier with a shattering past and some very dangerous enemies, she persuades him to claim her. It’s a decision that will change both their lives.

In Songbird: Solitaire and Arturo are two peas in a pod: they’re ruthless, definitely more sinner than saint, but they both are loyal to the core, and in their own way, honourable. Thrown together, they find love for the first time in their lives. But Solitaire has a tricky past, and it looks as if Arturo may have to kill her to survive.

In Dirty Dealings: When her father in law is jailed, Nats runs the family pub, and moves heaven and earth to make sure her family is safe and provided for. However, when her 13 year old niece is targeted by an east London gangster, she knows she needs help. She turns to Quique, knowing the Zeta cartel cartel enforcer is a weapon of mass destruction. But when you invite the wolf to play guard dog, there are consequences….

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

I hate unfinished stories! So each Zeta cartel novel is a standalone but the characters pop in and out of each other’s stories. When I finish a new book, I give it to a new reader to make sure I don’t drop a loop, and then I ask a fan to read it to make sure I’m not repeating myself. I hope that means everyone gets a good story.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? 

The confrontations between Quique and Natalia make me laugh. I love the bit where Quique is sitting in her kitchen and the three thugs break in and try to rob her. It’s just so classic how they react to that!

What are your future project(s)?

I’m writing a fourth story, featuring Morgan, a girl with a very difficult problem, and Rip, a serial killer, who is hired by Arturo for a bit of Machiavellian mischief. Rip isn’t great with people (unless he’s killing them!) so he and Morgan are in for some difficult times.

Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers about this book/series?

You can buy the titles separately, or together in the book bundle. If you buy the bundle, you get a juicy discount :-)

If you love romance with an edge, you're in the right place.

With AJ Adams you enter into the violent world of the Cartel, Camorra, Belial's MC and Prydain where death and romance go hand in hand.

All my novels are all self-standing and although some feature the same families, you need not read them all - although it would be awesome if you did!

If you aren't sure about how dark you like your stories, start with Dirty Dealings or The Beast and The Sibyl.

Of all the titles so far, Beast is the darkest.

I also write sweet romance under my In Real Life name, Ellen Whyte.

Want to chat? Come and see me on FB! Warning: I love cats!

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  1. Quique is hot, love the cover of the book, Dirty Dealings.

  2. I liked the author interview. I love a 'behind the scenes' look at books.

  3. This series sounds awesome! I love dark romances!
