Thursday, September 29, 2016

Virtual Book Tour w/Giveaway: The Lizard's Tale by Kurt Kamm

The Lizard’s Tale
by Kurt Kamm
GENRE: Mystery/Crime Thriller


One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card. Please visit to follow the tour, remember the more you comment better your chances on winning.



Kurt Kamm has written a novel that's a literary crime novel, with a strong thread of non-fiction running through it. The Lizard's Tale is a tale of crime—with an a wide-ranging cast of characters.

When the DEA goes up against the Sinaloa Cartel, an orphan and an endangered lizard are caught in the conflict. The action moves from Guatemala to Mexico to Catalina Island off the coast of California.

Alejandro, a middle class Guatemalan, wants his share, and makes a deal with the cartel. Now he’s risking his life to deliver the goods.

El Dedo, a brilliant financier, is the Sinaloa Cartel’s banker. He worries about what to do with the billions of dollars collecting dust in his underground vault.

Ryan, a DEA Special Agent, needs to make a high profile case to get a promotion. Is the big yacht headed for California carrying a Mexican drug shipment?

Kate, a wildlife officer on Catalina Island, smells smoke. When she heads out in the middle of the night to investigate a fire, she makes an astonishing discovery.

Jorge, an orphan from the streets of Mexico, is abandoned in the United States. Will he find his way back home and track down his mother’s killer?

Buy Links:



Gina wasn’t looking for a husband—she was far too independent to let a man run her life—but she needed male companionship. After coming to Catalina, she spent a lot of time alone until she met Brad, a captain with the Los Angeles County Fire Department. He worked at Station 55, and was big, strong, and good-looking. All her Latin lovers had been dark and she was attracted to his blond hair. She loved running her fingers over the blond carpet that covered his chest. At thirty-six, he was five years younger than she was, and married. Brad was perfect.

Their affair lasted almost two years. She didn't see him every day—in fact, she didn't want to see him every day. His wife and daughter lived in Seal Beach, and once a week he took the ferry to the mainland and spent three days at home. But he didn’t always head home right away, and they often stole a few hours together on one of the remote beaches on the rugged, wind-swept west end of the island. During the off-season, they sometimes managed to spend a night at a local bed and breakfast in Avalon, and occasionally she cooked dinner for him at the ranch house. When nothing else worked, they drove up into the hills and screwed in the back of his SUV. For Gina it was a perfect relationship—she got what she needed without making a major emotional commitment.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Malibu, California resident Kurt Kamm has written a series of firefighter mystery novels, which have won several literary awards. His newest novel, The Lizard’s Tale, provides a unique look inside the activities of the Mexican drug cartels and the men dedicated to stopping them.

Kurt has used his contact with CalFire, Los Angeles County and Ventura County Fire Departments, as well as the ATF and DEA to write fact-based (“faction”) novels. He has attended classes at El Camino Fire Academy and trained in wildland firefighting, arson investigation and hazardous materials response. He has also attended the ATF and DEA Citizen’s Academies. After graduating from the DEA Citizen’s Academy in 2014, he began work on The Lizard’s Tale.

Kurt has built an avid fan base among first responders and other readers. A graduate of Brown University and Columbia Law School, Kurt was previously a financial executive and semi-professional bicycle racer. He was also Chairman of the UCLA/Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Foundation for several years.

Visit his author website at

TUNNEL VISIONS (MCM Publishing 2014)
2014 USA Best Book Award -Fiction: General – Finalist

Best Novel 2013 – Public Safety Writers Association
Winner of the 2012 Hackney Literary Award for best novel of the year ($5,000 PRIZE)
Reader's Favorite 2013 – Finalist – Urban Fiction
The 2012 Dana Award – Finalist
Eric Hoffer Award - Finalist (2014)
Excerpt published in Birmingham Arts Journal

ONE FOOT IN THE BLACK (MCM Publishing 2012)
The 2012 USA Best Book Awards – Fiction: General – Finalist
The 2013 Beverly Hills Book Awards – Fiction: General – Finalist
Excerpt published in Felons, Flames and Ambulance Rides: Stories About America's Public Safety Heroes

CODE BLOOD (MCM Publishing 2011)
Writer’s Type - First Chapter Competition. January 2011- First Place
2012 International Book Awards - Fiction: Cross Genre Category – First Place
National Indie Excellence Book Awards – Faction (fiction based on fact) - Winner of the 2012 Award
The 2012 USA Best Book Awards - Fiction: Horror - Winner
LuckyCinda Publishing Contest 2013 First Place – Thriller
Reader's Favorite 2013– Finalist – Horror Fiction
Knoxville Writer’s Guild - 2011 Novella or Novel Excerpt – 2nd Place

RED FLAG WARNING Aberdeen Bay 2010
The Infinite Writer– Mystery 2010 – First Place
The Written Art Awards - Mystery/Thriller 2010 – First Place
Royal Dragonfly – Mystery Category 2011 – First Place



  1. I really enjoyed reading the excerpt, thank you!

    1. And welcome again Nikolina, you too have made it to each and every blog visit. You too must really love reading the same blog post. Gosh, maybe you just want to win the free gift. How about giving others a chance.

  2. What inspired you to write this novel? Do you have a muse?

    1. Well Clojo- I see that you have visited each and every one of my blog visits. You must really love reading the excerpt over and over. Love the same question on post each time.

  3. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Lisa too, another follower who hits every blog. Thanks for the congrats, I'm sure you are sincere. Or maybe you just want to hog the free gifts.

  4. Good morning Melissa, and thank you for hosting me and my new novel, THE LIZARD'S TALE. Most reviewers call my work "FACTION" because it is fact based fiction. Anyone who reads this book could easily believe it is true.

  5. Sorry readers, just don't care much for the trolls who have an organized effort to get free drawings and couldn't care about authors or books. Best wishes to those of you who do.

  6. Love the cover (very colorful) and books about the cartel. Looking forward to reading your book Kurt!

    Betul E.

    1. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I did writing it.

  7. Gracious, I'm almost afraid to leave a comment after reading Mr. Kamm's reactions. I'm sure it can be annoying to see the same names popping up each time there's a competition but I can assure you Mr. Kamm, that most of us are enthusiastic readers of various genres, want to know more about the authors and their motivation and yes, occasionally winning a few quid towards buying more books is an added bonus.

    We are encouraged by your promoters to visit every site and to comment every day. Believe me, trying to come up with original comments (for 90 days, in this particular case) can get a little daunting. Perhaps Mr. Kamm should vent his annoyance elsewhere.

    Thank you Melissa, as always, for introducing me to a new author.

    1. Sorry Kate, don't be offended or afraid. I love readers of any kind, but get tired of the "what can I get for free on the Internet?" mentality

  8. Dammit I want to hear more about that lizard.

    1. Richard- you will learn about the lizard. And the world's leading expert on Beaded Lizards coached me.
      Best wishes

  9. Wow, I promise I'm not following this tour any more... I won't even comment on my own tour stop in October... As a GFP blogger, we all want to push every single tour by sharing and commenting as much as we can, sorry for that Kurt....

  10. I fear Mr. Kamm has shot himself in the proverbial foot. However, I wish him well and will not be commenting again.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Wow.. ok... I am sorry that you thought I was a troll. Goddess Fish Promotions encourages us readers to follow the tour and comment or ask a question on the organized tour dates. I do follow up and read the answers to my questions. I did NOT ask you the same question each day, that is an inaccurate statement. Since I don't like to offend people I will not comment on your book tour any further. Good luck on the rest of the tour, and believe it or not, I wish you well with the success of your book.

  13. Thank you for sharing this interesting excerpt!

  14. Very captivating cover. Great colors.

  15. Thanks for the giveaway! Shared the post.

  16. Stopped by again to share. Have a great weekend!

  17. Shared to Facebook today. Have a good week!

  18. Shared to twitter today. Have a great day!

  19. Shared on Google Plus today. Happy Tuesday!

  20. Watching the presidential debates and stopping by to share the post. Thanks again for the giveaway!

  21. The weekend is almost here! Woohoo! Shared the post again.

  22. Wishing you a good weekend and a successful book tour!

  23. Love the cover! Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. Tonight is trick-or-treat for us. Have a great night.

  25. Happy Friday! Stopped by to share the post.

  26. Happy Halloween! I shared on Facebook today. :)

  27. Stopped by to thank you again for the chance to win!

  28. I love giveaways like this! They're great for discovering new books and authors!

  29. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  30. Hope you have a great week. Stopped by to share the post.

  31. Don't forget to vote tomorrow! Shared this post again. :)

  32. Watching the votes come in. Go Hillary! Shared the post again. :)

  33. Stopped by to share the post. Have a nice holiday.

  34. Have a nice weekend. Shared the post again.

  35. I hope your weekend is going well. Shared post.

  36. Yikes. Just reading up the past comments and I'm surprised Kurt jumped on others, but hasn't said a thing to me. I try to post a comment daily, but I almost always also share the post. It is really hard to say something new on a daily basis for a 3 month tour. Why Goddess Fish chooses to do their tours this way beats the heck out of me. I would much rather have a daily share or tweet option instead. It seems rather silly to comment daily on the same post. I don't know if it is expected that I travel to each blog and comment there or if I may comment on the same one daily (as I have been doing). Apparently, according to Kurt all the other blogs have the same
    information, so I guess it's cool to do it this way. Yes, I do like to win these things, but I also am a reader. So to Kurt: my daily commenting pushes your posts up on the Google search results pages and my sharing the post (and your book) on social media I am helping to spread the word about it. I post almost exclusively to my Facebook or my Google Plus page (not obscure sites). I am on here pretty much every day spreading the word about your book, sharing the information to my social media pages and bumping your book tour up in Google results even with my mundane commenting. I'm not getting paid for this. What I get is a chance to win some amazon cash. What you get is publicity for the price of a $50 Amazon gift card. Maybe if the "see what I can get for free on the internet" mentality is so upsetting to you, you should rethink being a part of giveaways and try to get the word out about your books on your own.

  37. Stopped by again to share the post. Have a good week.

  38. Dropped by to quickly share the post. :)

  39. Sharing again. Have a good weekend.

  40. Shared your post on Google Plus today. Have a nice day.

  41. Sharing today on Facebook. What a windy and cold day! Brrr.

  42. Stopped by to share the post again. Thanks!

  43. Shared again. Don't eat too much tomorrow!

  44. Happy Turkey Day! Shared on Google Plus. :)

  45. I spent the last few days putting up lights and decorating for Christmas. I am exhausted! Shared again today. :)

  46. Stopped by to share your post again. Have a great night.

  47. Thanks for the giveaway. I stopped by again to share the post.

  48. Happy hump day! Dropped by again to share the post.

  49. Sharing again. Have a nice evening. :)

  50. Had a productive day today. Did some Christmas shopping. Now I'm home and guessed it...share this post. ;)

  51. Stopped by to share the post. Have a great weekend.

  52. Shared the post again! Happy Sunday!

  53. Have a great week! Shared the post on Facebook today.

  54. Shared on Google Plus this evening. Thanks!

  55. I'm back for more sharing and commenting today. :)

  56. Shared again today. Have a good night.

  57. Thanks for hosting this tour and giveaway. :) Shared.

  58. I hope you're having a good weekend. Shared on Facebook this evening.

  59. Congratulations on the new book and the tour. This story sounds like it would translate well to the big screen!

  60. Stopped by to share the post. Have a great week.

  61. I'm back today for more sharing. Have a good Tuesday evening.

  62. Dropped in to share the post. Goodnight! :-)

  63. Shared again. Have a good night.

  64. Congrats on the new book and good luck on the book tour!

  65. Here to share the post again. Have a great night.

  66. I stopped back to share the post. We had our first snow of the year today. Not too much, but enough to have to shovel. Bleh!

  67. Sharing again. Have a nice night.

  68. Stopped by again to share your post. Have a good evening. Stay warm!

  69. Sharing again this morning. Have a great day!

  70. I love a good mystery! Stopped by to share the post again.

  71. Thanks for sharing this tour and giveaway, Melissa!

  72. Good morning! I'm dropping by to share the post once again. Thanks!

  73. Stopped by to share again. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve!

  74. Merry Christmas! I hope you get all that you want and more. :-)

  75. How was your holiday? I had a fantastic day with my kids, fiancé and parents. Tomorrow my sister will be coming over with her hubby and children for Christmas part 2. Busy, busy, busy, but I had a great time.

  76. Hope you had a fantastic holiday. Stopped by to share the post on my social media.

  77. I hope your week is going well. Dropped by to share the post again. Thanks!

  78. Well this tour is winding down. It seems like it was very successful.

  79. Shared again. Hope your tour was successful, Kurt.
