Thursday, June 22, 2017

Virtual Book Tour w/Giveaway: Funny Fairy Tales by Reut Barak


Funny Fairy Tales Series
by Reut Barak
GENRE: Short Stories, Fairy Tales, Humor


Reut will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please visit to follow the tour, remember the more you comment better your chances on winning.


Book 1 blurb: You know this story... or do you?

How about a little twist?

Read the story of Snow White as never told before!
With the vicious queen Anagrola, the confused and sarcastic mirror Shraga, and the most gifted seven men you’ve ever met.

Let the tale begin!

Buy Link:

Book 2 blurb:

You know this story... or do you?

How about a little twist?

Read the story of Cinderella as never told before!
With the mysterious blue fairy godmother, the cunning step-sisters, and a woman, who for the life of her, just can’t stop cleaning!

Let the tale begin!

Buy Links:

Book 3 Blurb:

You know this story... or do you?

How about a little twist?

Read the story of Red Riding Hood as never told before!
With the hood that leads to fame and fortune, the mysterious wild wolf, and a grandmother so evil, she could rewrite the history of sin. Red’s not little anymore!

Let the tale begin!

Buy Links:



To see a sample of the book, check out the Amazon page:


Interview with Reut Barak

What did you enjoy most about writing these books?

It’s great to make something for the first time. Funny Fairy Tales are a new type of book. It works like an app and feels like someone is telling you a story. They are also a very quick read, a bit like a snack, something fun you read on the plane or waiting for the train. Kindle were very excited (and very helpful) when they saw it for the first time. We spoke on the phone twice a week to get the formatting right, and I love the results. So it’s a lot of fun.

What was the hardest part of writing these books?

I think each one of them was a challenge on its own. Definitely the hardest was Red Riding. It's my favourite fairy tale. I used to have wolf nightmares as a kid. When I first started writing, I would write for an hour, and then hate it and erase most of it, then start again. I love the results, and I love the wolf. I based him on two men I knew in my life who were such an inspiration to me. He's also based on so many myths I read about. I wish I could meet him for real.

Have you ever had one character you wanted to go one way with but after the book was done the character was totally different?

Cinderella surprised me. Right at the end, she suddenly did something so brave and unlike her original character. She stepped up and changed her life, seeking the help she needed to solve the problems I created for her. I didn't see that coming until the words came out of my pen (keyboard). I love surprises.

What do your plans for future projects include?

Next in the series is Hansel and Gretel. A couple of weeks ago, I asked my readers on Facebook which Fairy Tale they would like to have next. 200,000 people interacted with the post and the winner by popular demand is Hansel and Gretel. I'm so happy. I love it to bits (I'm a big fan of chocolate!) after that there are a few more I have in mind. It's going to be exciting.

Who are some of your favourite authors that you feel were influential in your work?

Hmm... that's a tough one. I have so many to choose from. If I had to choose two, my favourite book is Jack London's Call of the Wild, which is so good I can hardly believe it was written. It is so convincing and it's written from the point of view of Buck, the dog who releases generations of being tame and becomes a wild wolf. London taught me that anything can be written. Mark Twain taught me that anything can be written funny!


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Reut Barak is a freelance journalist, previously published in National Geographic online. She has an MBA from the University of Oxford, and has worked and traveled internationally. This is her first book series.

Well, no not really... The true story is:

Reut was born in Camelot in the year 1201, following the famous explosion of the northern dragon tower.

She has a degree in fantasy and science fiction from the University of Atlantis and this record can be found in the central library, now twenty thousand leagues under the sea.

She likes phoenix riding, dragon fighting and painting the roses red.

Social Links:
Website Twitter Facebook



  1. Thank you very much for having Funny Fairy Tales on your blog.
    As as into to this blog post, I made a quick video :)

  2. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thank you for visiting this blog and good luck on the giveaway :)

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Robert,
      Thank you :) Good luck on the giveaway.

  4. Great post - I enjoyed reading the interview. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Hi Victoria,
      Glad you liked it, thanks.
      Good luck on the giveaway :)

  5. Enjoyed the description of the books. Looking forward to reading.

    1. HI Dianne,
      Thank you very much - I'm sure you'd enjoy them/
      Good luck on the giveaway :)

  6. Enjoyed the description of the books. Looking forward to reading.

    1. HI Dianne,
      Thank you very much - I'm sure you'd enjoy them/
      Good luck on the giveaway :)

  7. Enjoyed the interview. Thanks for the giveaway

    1. Hi Pamk,
      Thank you very much for reading the interview. Have fun with the books.

  8. Enjoyed the interview. Thanks for the giveaway

    1. Hi Pamk,
      Thank you very much for reading the interview. Have fun with the books.

  9. These sound like great reads!!

    1. Hi Terri,
      Thank you very much. I hope you like them.
      Good luck on the giveaway :)

  10. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    The book seems amazing! I would really like to read it!

    1. Hi Mindy,
      That's great to hear, thank you. Have a wonderful read!
      Good luck on the giveaway :)


  11. Replies
    1. Hi Kim,
      Thank you. Glad you think so :)
      Good luck on the giveaway!

  12. It's been a great tour!


    1. Hi Trix,
      Thank you. Much appreciated!
      Good luck on the giveaway :)


  13. Hi everybody,
    A heads up - Funny Fairy Tales 4 - Hansel and Gretel is now out!!! See more here:
