Monday, October 3, 2016

Blurb Blitz w/Giveaway: Resthaven by Erik Therme

by Erik Therme

GENRE: YA suspense


Erik Therme will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please visit to follow the tour, remember the more you comment better your chances on winning.



The last thing Kaylee wants to do is participate in a childish scavenger hunt—especially inside the abandoned retirement home on the edge of town. When she finds a bruised, deaf boy hiding inside one of the rooms, she vows to lead him to safety . . . only to discover the front doors are now padlocked, and her friends are nowhere to be found. Kaylee is about to learn that not everything that goes ‘bump in the night’ is imaginary, and sometimes there are worse things to fear than ghosts.

Buy Links:



The dog was taller than our knees and its skin clung to its ribs, as if it hadn’t eaten in days. A half-chewed leash hung from its collar, and its ears and muzzle were pulled back. There was no question we were unwelcome guests.

Kaylee?” Anna said.

The dog began to growl. We both took a step back.

Do we run?” Anna rasped.

Are you crazy?” I whispered fiercely. “We can’t outrun a dog.”

What do we do?”

A sound rose and died in my throat. All I could see was the dog’s teeth. Last year I had been bitten by a stray in our neighborhood, and I still had the ankle scar to prove it.

The dog let out a wracking bark, startling us both back another step. My eyes skipped to Anna, then to the open doors on each side of us.

We can hide inside the rooms,” I said, speaking low and fast. “When I count to three, run into the room beside you and slam the door.”

Anna’s grip on my wrist tightened. “I can’t—”

You can,” I hissed. “If both of us go for opposite rooms, the dog won’t know which one to follow. That will confuse it and give us another second of time.”

Another second?”

Just get inside the room,” I said.

The dog lowered its head, shifting its muddy eyes from Anna to me. It knew who the threat was.

One,” I whispered.

Don’t make me do this,” Anna said.

My stomach knotted. “Two . . .”

The dog burst forward in a shambling run.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Erik Therme has thrashed in garage bands, inadvertently harbored runaways, and met Darth Vader. When he’s not at his computer, he can be found cheering for his oldest daughter’s volleyball team, or chilling on the PlayStation 4 with his thirteen-year-old. He currently resides in Iowa City, Iowa—one of only seven places in the world UNESCO has certified as a City of Literature.
Social Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy Monday! We'll make it a good one even if it is Monday. Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway.

  2. congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. Thanks so much for hosting, and I'm happy to answer any questions that come my way. :)

  4. Enjoyed the excerpt. Sounds like a good story. What was your role in those garage bands? I love music and going to concerts, so that sounds like so much fun. And....I live in northwest Missouri---Yay for the midwest! Ready for winter?? lol

    1. Marcy, I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt. My father taught me to play guitar at a young age, and eventually I met some other guys (in high school) and we formed a punk/metal band. We were never very good, but we did get a few shows and had a small local following. :) And yes--winter is coming, for better or worse!

  5. Hello again! This is a followup from my question on Thursday since I am a fan of Stephen King myself. Do you have a favorite book of his? I've never been able to pick one, although "It" still terrifies me.. LOL. :)

    1. The Stand is probably at the top of my list. Such a great novel, all around. And I can easily reread Misery on a regular basis. My wife is currently working through the Dark Tower series. I've read them, but I'm not a big fantasy person, so I probably won't ever read them again. But I am anxious for the movie. :)

  6. Woah, I'll have to read this one in daylight!

  7. Heck, I don't want to be dragged into a retirement home either.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks Kim. If you have Kindle Unlimited you can read it for free. :)

  10. Thanks for the giveaway! Shared the post.

  11. Stopped by again to share. Have a great weekend!

  12. Shared to Facebook today. Have a good week!

  13. Shared to twitter today. Have a great day!

  14. Shared on Google Plus today. Happy Tuesday!

  15. Watching the presidential debates and stopping by to share the post. Thanks again for the giveaway!

  16. Hope you're enjoying the promotional tour!

  17. Hope you're enjoying the promotional tour!

  18. The weekend is almost here! Woohoo! Shared the post again.

  19. Children have really strong imaginations and for that fear to come to fruition might prove to be the worst than any adult's nightmare. Sounds like a heart stopping read.

  20. I hope you had a successful tour!
