Welcome to DAY 3 of
sponsored by Jo & Isa Love Books
& to Dawn Ibanez's
"foster home"!
For years, Lilavanti Dallas hid behind a quiet and meek nature. No one would have suspected she was really a Succubus under all of her wraps and saris... until Barry.
Prophesies and secrets collide while Barry tries to carve a place in Lily's life. And when sinister plans threaten to bring about Armageddon, Barry and Lily must figure out if their attraction will be the start of something good, or if it will destroy everything.
Today Dawn is spotlighting book three in her
Maxwell Investigations
Dangerous Dalliances
Enter below for chance to win signed copies (US only) digital copies (INT)
of Maxwell Investigations series from Dawn!
Book three of the Maxwell Investigations series
Dangerous Dalliances
Months ago, Barry Maxwell had a taste of forbidden fruit. Now, Lily wants nothing to do with him.
For years, Lilavanti Dallas hid behind a quiet and meek nature. No one would have suspected she was really a Succubus under all of her wraps and saris... until Barry.
Prophesies and secrets collide while Barry tries to carve a place in Lily's life. And when sinister plans threaten to bring about Armageddon, Barry and Lily must figure out if their attraction will be the start of something good, or if it will destroy everything.
Grab YOUR copy TODAY!
Q & A with Dawn about Dangerous Dalliances!
Tell us about Dangerous Dalliances.
Dangerous Dalliances is Barry and Lily’s book. Again, we got to see more of them in the last book, but this is their story. We find out about the danger that surrounded the Maxwell Family and in turn learn that everyone stands stronger together than apart.
What initially inspired you to write Dangerous Dalliances?
After Precarious Possessions, I lost my day job. I was pretty lost and decided to try babysitting to make ends meet. I falling into a pretty dark place and knew that this was the perfect time to expand on Lily. I wanted to find my feet again, and figured what better way to do that than have a heroine that’s feeling pretty lost herself. As for Barry… have you seen how many shirtless pictures Shemar Moore has on the internet? He is the only choice for Barry in my mind.
After that, I couldn’t tell you. Honestly, DD was the first book that I had, where it wrote itself 90% of the time.
Tell us little about the characters in Dangerous Dalliances.
Well, Lily is a Succubus, a creature long thought to be extinct. She is in hiding while her twin brother is running around killing people. She feels like she is responsible, but for a good while she is torn between doing what’s right, and standing by family.
Barry is a Mage. Unlike his siblings, instead of focusing on one type of Magic, he can dip into pretty much everyone’s pool. His heart is always in the right place, even if he screws up (see Precarious Possessions LOL). And he screws up… a lot.
What was the hardest part of writing Dangerous Dalliances?
The hardest part for this was finding the little strings from Tangled Temptations and Precarious Possessions and making sure they were tied. There are just enough things hanging out there to know that yes, the series is continuing, but this story-arc is done.
What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
*Insert big smile here LOL* It’s just something about me (chalk it up to writing style, I don’t know) but just about everything that I’ve written has this big battle towards the end. I think Tangled Temptations is the only book to NOT have a battle at the end; and that could be because it’s more in the middle who knows. I think I marathoned ALL of the Underworld movies, I had been playing Castlevainia: Lord of Shadows, and when I write, I don’t have characters speaking to ME per se. I see an anime playing in my head. So I get up to this battle, the Apocalypse is here, everyone is fighting… I just loved every second of it.
Is there a message in Dangerous Dalliances that you hope readers will grasp?
Family, love, balance, normalcy have all been heavy themes in this series. Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, or even doing the right thing for the wrong reasons can usually end with disastrous results.
Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers about this book/series?
For now, Dangerous Dalliances is the last story in the Maxwell Investigations Series. I will come back to the world eventually. There’s enough going on that you know it continues, but it’s starting to branch off into different areas. So don’t be upset, we’ll see the others again.
Now an exciting excerpt from Dangerous Dalliances!
He had to be more than just a Mage. Lily was sure of it. Even fully clothed, watching Barry move heavy boxes from one room to another was slow torture. She could see the way his muscles flexed under the cloth. If she didn’t know any better, she would swear he was teasing her.
Barry grunted as he put the final box on the floor. “These boxes are way too heavy for just books,” he announced as he dusted his hands off.
A single drop of sweat eased out from behind his ear. Lily’s eyes were riveted as the single bead slowly trailed down his neck and into his shirt. She blinked rapidly as he cleared his throat. The knowing smirk on his face made her blush. “What?” she challenged.
His smirk grew into a full smile as he sat on the sofa. “Nothing,” he said innocently. “You just look a little peckish, that’s all.”
Lily’s face felt like it was on fire. “I’m fine,” she countered. “There’s another few weeks before I should feed again, so no. I’m not hungry or peckish.”
Barry reached over and grabbed her hand. He frowned when he saw how badly she was trembling. “What’s going on Lily?” he asked seriously.
She allowed him to pull her forward and sat next to him. As she gazed into his deep brown eyes, she chewed nervously on her lip. “I don’t know what’s happening,” she confessed. She ran her fingers through her hair and took a restless breath. “For whatever reason, all I want to do is sit back and watch you move. Then when that isn’t enough, I want to get close to you.”
He fought a smile as he reached forward and played with a lock of her hair. “Are you trying to tell me you’re attracted to me?” he asked. When her eyes narrowed, he laughed. “Come on Lily. I think we’ve been attracted to each other since the day we met. At least I was. This isn’t anything new.”
“That’s just it. It is new to me.” She jumped to her feet and started to pace across the living room. Lily’s eyes stayed focused on the floor as she moved back and forth. She didn’t think she could deal with seeing the shock in his eyes. “I’m a Succubus. Sex is nothing new to me. But I have to have it. When I get hungry, I see a guy, or girl, we get together and that’s it. Usually, I don’t see them again. I never wanted to spend time with them.” She ran her hands through her hair and let out another restless breath. “I shouldn’t want to spend time with you either. But I do. I want to know if you and I can be more than bed partners.”
Barry stood and put his hands on her shoulders. When she looked at him, he gave her a playful smile. “You have to admit, we were really hot bed partners,” he joked. When she frowned, his shoulders fell. “Lily, it was a joke.”
She broke away from his hold with a growl. “I barely remember what happened that night and I feel like I was cheated,” she admitted. Before he could say anything else that would embarrass her, she reached up and kissed him. A soft moan left her as his arms came around her and pulled her close.
He smiled as she slid her arms around his neck. With ease, he lifted her against his body, only to groan when her legs came up and wrapped around his waist.
Lily couldn’t help herself. For the first time she knew what girls meant when they talked of butterflies and magic when they kissed someone. She was nearly giddy when he fell back onto the sofa. She wanted to have him again, and this time her hunger wouldn’t get in her way.
Just as she started to reach for his belt, Barry’s phone started to ring. Lily stiffened as she pulled away from Barry’s kiss. Stunned green eyes turned to his as she bit her bottom lip. Reality started to crash down on her again. Barry saw the look in her eyes and grabbed her hand. “We’re okay.”
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Giveaway: (Another chance to win copies of Maxwell Investigation over at our Facebook Page)
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