Monday, October 17, 2016

Book Blitz w/Giveaway: All or Nothing by Natalie Ann


book blitz

Book Title: All or Nothing 
Author: Natalie Ann 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: June 28, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


book blurb

He’s a hardened ex-Navy SEAL with a smile that would melt your grandmother’s heart. She’s a tough-as-nail nurse who has a soft spot for those in need.

Returning home after the death of his best friend in the line of duty, ex-Navy SEAL Ben Harper has managed to fool everyone that he’s fine. A master at hiding his thoughts and feelings, he’s positive that no one is on to him.

Presley James is drawn to the new Director of Security at the hospital where she works. Tall, dark, dangerous and sexy as hell. With a wicked grin and happy hello for everyone—he's a total contradiction. After spending most of her life caring for people, she can spot a pretender a mile away and isn't duped by his masquerade one bit!

Will she be able to help him find his way when her own baggage is more than even she can handle?

Mature content, not intended for under 18 years of age.


Presley leaned forward and wiped the steam off the bathroom mirror. “I think we used up all the hot water.”

“I don’t think the steam was from the water,” he said, teasing.

She gave him a quick hug from behind, holding on a bit longer than necessary, then let go. “I think you might be right.”

He looked so good standing in her bathroom next to her, wrapped only in a towel. She hadn’t had nearly as much time as she wanted to admire his body last night.

By the time they had gotten home from Ryan’s it was dark out, so they only had taken enough time to turn her little night-light on, which cast more shadows than anything. Now, in the bright light of her bathroom, she could take the opportunity to check him out fully.

He was solid muscle. She didn’t think she had ever seen anyone as defined as him before, not in person anyway. The amount of time it must take to maintain his body had to be massive.

“What are you thinking?”

“Oh, nothing. Just looking at you.”

“I see that.” He smiled warmly at her. “But you’ve got a question you want to ask, so ask it.”

“How do you know?” she asked, her eyebrow arching.

“Know what?”

“That I’ve got a question.”

“It’s written all over your face, so ask.”

She shrugged, then ran her hands over his back and down his arms, trailing her fingertips along his abs. “How much time do you have to put in to have a body like this?”

“That is your question?”

“For the moment, yeah.”

“A few hours a day.”

“How do you find the time? You work more than anyone I know,” she asked, astonished.

He leaned his head back and turned slightly, then kissed her brow. “I don’t sleep much, and I get up early. Or when I can’t sleep at night, I work out until I’m tired enough to sleep. Simple as that.”

She pursed her lips. That didn’t sound simple at all to her. That didn’t sound healthy at all, either. But she kept that to herself.

meet the author

Natalie Ann lives in upstate NY with her husband and teenage son. By day she’s a bean counter, by night she tries—and mostly fails—to be superwoman. Wife, mother, maid, cook and sometimes dog walker.

After decades of her head in the clouds full dreams, characters, and scenarios, she decided to put pen to paper determined to not give up until the draft of her first book was complete. Now here she is publishing her ninth book!

She loves to hear from her readers, so please drop her a line, even if it’s just to say hi.
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