Friday, October 21, 2016

#FosterAnAuthor2 w/Giveaway: FINAL DAY with Dawn Ibanez

Welcome to DAY 5 of 
sponsored by Jo & Isa Love Books
& to Dawn Ibanez's
"foster home"!

Today is Dawn's last day in her "foster home"
I have enjoyed having her here, I hope she has 
enjoyed her stay her with us.

Peeps may I introduce my "foster baby" for the week 
Dawn Ibanez!

Author of the Maxwell Investigations & One For Sorrow

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a single mother that enjoys Video Games, Anime and Comics. I like crafting and a little sewing when I’m not forcing myself to write. I also watch a lot of action movies.

What do you do when you are not writing? 
When I’m not writing, I’m usually either watching a movie, or playing a video game to be honest.

Do you write full-time or part-time? 
I write part time. I wish it could be full time, but other things come up and I can’t get the time in.

When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book? 
Oh god LOL! I started writing in middle school. I finished it right before summer school of ‘95. It was a horrid little western that I convinced my summer school teacher to let me use for a book report.

How would you describe your style of writing to someone that has never read your work? 
LOL, I’m not sure how to answer that. There’s a lot of action involved. Depending on which storyline I’m dealing with there could be a lot of bloodshed, but there IS romance. I like to think I write a lot of Mr and Mrs Smith type couples.

What books/authors have influenced your writing? 
I’ll list the authors, since there are way too many books LOL. Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kresley Cole, Gena Showalter, Larissa Ione, Janine Frost, Nalini Singh and JR Ward.

What are your thoughts on good/bad reviews? 
Reviews in general are great. But at the end of the day, they are 1 person’s opinion. I actually liked Andrew Garfield as Spiderman, but not everyone agrees. It’s why we’re all individuals.

What is you next project! 
My next projects (I never work on just 1 thing) are Two for Joy, the next in the Murder of Crows series, and a new series based in the world of the Wild Hunt (this may just be a trilogy and something for me to pitch next year at RWA… if I go.

When you are in writer mode, music or no music? If music do you have a playlist?
I always listen to music. I can’t do silence. At all. I can’t even sleep in it. As for the playlist, yeah. When I start a project, the closest thing to outlining I do is find music that works for each of my characters, those are the character playlists. Then there are playlists for fight scenes, love scene, angry sex scenes LOL. And when in doubt, I just play Phantom of the Opera.

Do you ever experience writer’s block? 
Like you wouldn’t believe.

What is best writing advice you can give to someone who is beginning in the writing world or thinking about it. 
You’re going to fail. You’re going to fail a lot. You’re going to fall flat on your face. You’re going to get reviews that will hurt your heart and scar your soul. You are going to think you are the world’s worse, and that’s okay. Because there is no such thing as an overnight success and that’s okay too. But when you fall, when you fail, dust yourself off and keep going. And there are thousands of people in the writing community that will give you a hand up if you just ask for a little of advice. And asking for advice, or even help, is okay too.

Fun with my "foster baby" Dawn Ibanez

If you had a superpower, what would it be?
I would probably have the ability to control fire.

Where is one place you want to visit that you haven't been before?

If you were an animal in a zoo, what would you be? 
A peacock… have you seen their feathers??? OMG beautiful!!!

If a genie granted you three wishes, what would they be? (can't ask for more wishes) 
For the ability to control fire, perfect vision and never ending riches.

If you could go to the past or future, where would you stay and why? 
I would go to the future. I would love to see how the world ends up after all of the decisions of today have been made.

What was your favorite decade? (50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, etc.) 
This is hard! For TV and movies, can I say the 80s and Music and fashion the 90s??? I love both!!!!

If you can be a Disney character, who would you be and why? 
LOL!!! I can’t lie. I would totally be Maleficent. I’ve never considered myself a princess. As a matter of fact, I used to be told repeatedly that I was mean and a lot like her. I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty to get a job done… and she turns into a dragon! Hello! LOL

If you could meet anyone from history, who would you meet and why?
Anne Bonny. I would love to meet her and watch her operate in such a male dominated world.

A little of This or That with Dawn

Text or Call- Call

Facebook or Twitter- Facebook

Ice Cream Cone or Frozen Yogurt- Soft Serve ice cream. Vanilla double cone with rainbow sprinkles. (yeah, I miss the old trucks in NY.)

Cake or Pie- Cake
What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes- Laundry

Bath or Shower- Bath

Toilet Paper: Over or Under- Over.

Coffee or Tea- Tea

Book or ebook- Both. both are good.

Ocean or Mountains- Ocean

TV or Book- Depends.

Movie at Home or Theatre- Home (you can talk back to the screen when the stupid girl is going upstairs instead of out the door.)

City or Countryside- City

Summer or Winter- Winter

Spring or Fall- Fall

Coke or Pepsi- This hurts my heart to choose LOL. Pepsi (just don’t tell Coke, please. I have affairs with both)

Pop music or Rock music- Rock

Pancakes or Waffles- Waffles

Morning or evening- Night

Rain or snow- Snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! I’m good with feet of the stuff… until I have to leave my house LOL.

Hamburgers or Hot dogs- Hamburgers all day!

Leather or Lace- Again, both are good.

Snow White or Cinderella- Can I choose Mulan? Okay, I’ll go with Cinderella.

Comedy or Drama- Comedy.

Grilled Chicken or Fried Chicken- Fried. (but really neither. I can barely stand chicken LOL)

Heels or flats- Flats

Sneakers or flip flops- Sneakers!

Flowers or candy- I would love flowers (but my waistline says candy LOL)

Wine or cocktail- Cocktails! I even make a bunch!

Prince Charming or Shrek- Puss in Boots! JK! Shrek. Charming was a jerk!

MC Romance or Mafia Romance- MC

Paranormal or Contemporary- Paranormal! Love men with fangs… or fur… or wings….

Billionaire or Bad Boy- Bad Boys.

SEAL or Cowboy- Cowboys.

Dawn's Social Links:

Don't forget to check out Dawn's GIVEAWAY on 
EskieMama Reads Facebook page 
for another chance to win copies of the Maxwell Investigations Series

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