Sunday, August 14, 2016

EskieMama Reads Review: Man of Honor by Sarah O'Rourke

Man of Honor
by Sarah O'Rourke


Sheriff Zeke Monroe loves one woman...Honor McKinnon. He is willing to stake his entire future on protecting matter what the cost. 

Honor McKinnon knows she is broken. Her body and soul had been shattered by a violent attack years ago, and no one...not her sisters or anyone else in the tiny town of Paradise, especially the Sheriff...can change that. Rather than dealing with her wounds, she chooses to protect herself from any further damage, even if that means that she avoids the one chance at love. But Zeke is determined to break down Honor’s walls...and to find the persons responsible for hurting her and make them suffer. 

He’s already killed for her once...and is willing to do it again if it means she'll know safety and happiness. 

What happens when Zeke refuses to allow Honor to ignore her past? Will Zeke’s love be passionate enough to break down her barriers? And can Zeke save Honor when her life is in danger once again? 

Join Sarah O’Rourke in this epic culmination of the Men of the McKinnon Sisters stories...and find out how the Passion in Paradise series is always scorching hot! Standalone, romantica suspense.

Review:                                5 Stars

This book took me from being bored to some unfathomable things. Honor a bright and beautiful young woman had things done to her that no one should have to suffer, yet she managed to come out of if and live, but half alive, for ghosts haunted her. Zeke the town's Sheriff fell in love with and his love and determination stayed in her life waiting for her to love him.
Her Family stayed with her and urged to seek help, they forced her had and forced her to seek help from a Psychiatrist, which she did not want.
Little by little Honor began to heal, while Zeke not only tried to help with the threats that kept popping up for she was still being haunted, and looking for some of the men that were still alive and loose. 
This book took me from being bored and wondering why am reading it, but page after page I kept reading it, I laughed and I cried, I cheered and moaned, I could not put it down until I was done.
Sarah O'Rourke took on a totally entrancing trip, thank you very much. Hopefully I did not spoil anything for other readers.

I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review!

Reviewed by Jara

Happy Reading!

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