Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Blog Tour w/Giveaway: Unnatural Souls by Linda Foster

Today we have the blog tour for Unnatural Souls by Linda Foster! Check it out and grab your copy of this fantastic new paranormal romance. Unnatural Souls BT Ban About Unnatural Souls: UnnaturalSoul_LindaFoster_FrontSMALL_final
It's been almost a year since the night of the accident that should have killed Grace. Nearly a year since her brother, Ash, sold his soul to save her. She survived, but that wasn’t the end of their story. Not even close. In the months since, Grace’s life has turned upside down. She can move objects with her mind, teleport in a blink of an eye, see dead people … and that's just the tip of the crazy train. And that would be fine, really … if she had any idea how to control it. Instead, she’s stuck in a body that does things she doesn’t understand. And now, the contract her brother made for her life is drawing to a close. Which means he’s running out of time before the demon comes to collect his soul. Unless Grace can find a way to save him. When an angel named Michael shows up with answers and an offer to help her, she jumps at the chance—and agrees to help him with his own mission as the price. Then she finds out that Michael is working with another demon. That the deal she’s made … is no better than the one from which she’s trying to save Ash. And she’s faced with a choice: turn and walk away, or try to save her brother—by working with the very monsters who have nearly destroyed them both.
  Get Your Copy Today: Amazon


I’m going crazy.

There was no doubt in my mind of that simple and terrifying fact. And the situation I was facing right now only made me more positive.
I dropped my pen and ducked out of the way as another book whizzed by my head, then jumped onto my bed and thrust my back against the wall, hugging my legs against myself. And for what felt like the thousandth time—that day—I prayed for it to stop.
Around me, books, papers, pillows, and my laptop were swirling through the room in a supernatural whirlwind. Which meant that my normally carefully organized pink and white room was now covered by the chaos of my other belongings. A place of calm and peace, turned to hell. Drawers were opening and closing, spitting out their contents and adding to the mess that flew around the place. They’d been doing it on and off all day. How everything was moving, I didn’t know … but this wasn’t the first time. Not by a long shot. I’d endured months of this torture.
If only the flying objects were my sole problem. But no, that would be too easy. I was also seeing people who weren’t there, moving places in the blink of an eye without meaning to, and having visions of events that later came true. Take your pick—I had somehow hit the mother lode of crazy jackpot.

memeteaser2   Linda Foster Bio: Linda Foster was born and raised in Colorado, where she still lives with her (very patient) husband, two (very spoiled) ferrets and (equally spoiled) dog. Linda became an avid reading enthusiast the moment she picked up her first book, and has grown steadily worse. By the time she was fifteen years old, her library had become too big for her shelves, and she was forced to donate all her books to the local school, just to make room for new ones. She started writing short novellas for her friends in middle school, and expanded into full-length novels several years later.   The Realm of the Claimed novellas are her first published work.
  Connect with Linda: Facebook Twitter memeteaser1 Enter Linda’s Giveaway:

Blog Tour Schedule:
August 29th
Literary Dust Excerpt
August 30th
August 31st
PBC Excerpt
September 1st
September 2nd


  1. At that age aren't we all stuck in bodies that do things we can't understand?

  2. It sounds like they have quite a big problem. Very intriguing excerpt!

  3. I love the cover! Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Enjoyed the excerpt and nice cover.

  5. My Mum's just had a stroke & she keeps seeing people who aren't there and having dejá vu moments but it's all perfectly normal!

  6. My Mum's just had a stroke & she keeps seeing people who aren't there and having dejá vu moments but it's all perfectly normal!

  7. My Mum's just had a stroke & she keeps seeing people who aren't there and having dejá vu moments but it's all perfectly normal!

  8. Sounds like an intriguing read. And very thought provoking. Just how far would you go to save someone you love

  9. Thank for the great giveaway!
    The book sounds so mysterious!
