Thursday, August 25, 2016

Blog Tour w/Giveaway: Body Contact by Cathryn Fox

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by Cathryn Fox HANDS ON #2 Publication Date: August 15, 2016 Genres: Adult, Serial, Entangled: Scorched, Erotic, Romance
Body Contact Cover


Synopsis: Body Contact is the second of a three-part erotic series from New York Times and USA best-selling author Cathryn Fox.Asking pro football player Jack Rider to teach me everything he knows about sex might have seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I’m not so sure I can handle a guy like him. I thought he’d just straight up do me, ridding me of my pesky virginity sooner rather than later. But no, he had his own ideas about bringing me up to speed on sex. His two weeks of slow seduction might just be the death of me, but since he’s the one in charge, I have to play the game his way. Not that I’m not enjoying it. I am. Who wouldn’t, right? I guess I just can’t help but wonder how I’ll ever let another man touch me after him. This is the second of a three-part series full of mind-blowing sex, featuring a dirty-mouthed football player who knows the score and an inexperienced therapist who needs to learn it. BODY CONTACT is sure to leave readers begging for more. The next installment comes September 2016. goodreads-badge-add-38px



Synopsis: Hands On is the first of a three-part erotic series from New York Times and USA best-selling author Cathryn Fox. When hot as hell Danielle Lang showed up and asked me to teach her about sex, I thought I was hallucinating. Turns out the beautiful psychologist needed an extra bit of schooling in all things sexual so she could teach a class. I’m always up for helping a friend. I mean, it’s the least I can do. What I wasn’t expecting is for her to turn the tables and teach me a few things. Only this short-term promise of two weeks in her bed is going by a little too quickly. Not that I’m thinking forever or anything. I’ve got a football career to get back to. And she doesn’t want to be a part of my world. There’s no way we can be together—so I’m going to make sure I enjoy every sexy second…. This is the first of a three-part series full of mind-blowing sex, featuring a dirty-mouthed football player who knows the score and an inexperienced therapist who needs to learn it. HANDS ON is sure to leave readers begging for more. The next installment, Body Contact, will be published August 2016.


“No,” she said quickly. “I can’t ask that. You’re already doing enough for me, and I haven’t really done anything to pay you back. That doesn’t rest well with me.”
The fact that she never wanted to accept his help only intrigued him more. She was definitely different from other women he’d known. He smiled and ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Tonight, you will. After all, I’ll likely be teaching you about giving a blow job. Believe me, I’ll be the one getting something out of it.” He pushed his thumb between her lips, parting them slightly. “It’s all I’ve been able to think about. Well, that and burying my mouth between your legs again. You liked that, right?” he asked, even though he knew she did. He just wanted her to think about it again, remember the pleasure he could give her.
She flushed and drew his thumb into her mouth. She sucked, her tongue swirling as her wet heat closed around him, and he damn near fucking lost it.
“Jesus, Danielle,” he said, ready to drag her to the grass, thrust inside her, and ravish the fucking hell out of her. Everything about her seduced his senses and made him forget he wanted to take things slow. Across the street, a group of women pushing strollers walked by, a few watching them with curious eyes. Did she enjoy having an audience? After their trip to the BDSM club, had she found pleasure in that kink? “What the fuck are you doing to me?”
She let go of his thumb. “Practicing.”
“I think you’ve got it.”
“Really.” Her eyes lit with innocent sensuality. “I’ve been reading about it, and last night, I tried it out.”
His cock nearly burst through his zipper. “You did? How? On what?” he asked, his muscles stiffening.
“I watched a bit of porn.” She swayed slightly, her slim hips brushing over him. “And I had this Popsicle...”
And he thought she was an innocent? No fucking way. She knew exactly what she was doing to him.

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Cathryn Fox
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cathryn Fox is a wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. She loves dogs, sunny weather, anything chocolate (she never says no to a brownie) pizza and red wine. Cathryn has two teenagers who keep her busy and a husband who is convinced he can turn her into a mixed martial arts fan. When not writing, Cathryn can be found laughing over lunch with friends, hanging out with her kids, or watching a big action flick with her husband.


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