Sunday, February 5, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Sunday Spotlight w/Giveaway: Save Me (Believe Again) by Natalie-Nicole Bates

Welcome to EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads
Sunday Spotlight!

Today we are spotlighting Natalie-Nicole Bates's 
Save Me (Believe Again)!

Enter below for a chance to win a $5.00 Amazon gift card
from Natalie-Nicole Bates

Natalie-Nicole Bates
Book 2 in Rise Series
Save Me (Believe Again)!

For over one hundred years, Daniel Tremont searched for the woman who brought him back from the dead after a tragic fire. He is sure she is the love of his life. When he finally catches up with her, he realizes he’s made a terrible mistake.

Alone in his grief, Daniel stumbles upon the remains of a long shuttered insane asylum. In the distance, he sees a beautiful young woman beckon to him.

Is she real, or simply the spirit of a long dead former inmate of the asylum?

Brecklin is at the asylum to spend the last day of her life alone. Daniel’s arrival now complicates her plans. But Brecklin soon realizes Daniel isn’t an ordinary man. He is an extraordinary man. He needs her to save him, and in return, he will save her. Can she believe long enough to alter the course of her fading life, and maybe in return, find a forever love?

Grab YOUR copy TODAY!

Q & A with Natalie-Nichole Bates about Save Me (Believe Again)!

Tell us about Save Me (Believe Again).

SAVE ME (Believe Again) is the second story in my RISE series. It is a deeply emotional story of a man who has been searching for the missing piece of his past for over 100 years, only to discover everything he believed was more or less a fantasy in his mind. Alone and broken, he stops at a stretch of abandoned beach, near a demolished early twentieth century insane asylum. In the distance, a woman dressed in pink beacons to him. Whether she is real or the spirit of some long deceased inmate of the asylum, he’s not sure. One day will change two lives forever.

What initially inspired you to write Save Me (Believe Again)?

When I finished writing the first book in the RISE series, SEE ME, I wasn’t finished with the character of Daniel. I felt there was more to say. I decided to write SAVE ME as a sort of an alternate telling of his story, a what if he never got together with Carly, a sort of funked up fairy tale.

Tell us little about the characters in Save Me (Believe Again).

There are two characters in this story. Daniel Tremont and Brecklin. We never know her last name. Daniel has been alive (for the second time) for over 100 years, resurrected after a fire in 1896. He is still searching for the woman who brought him back to life, sure they are meant to be together. When all falls apart, he is alone and broken, as he has been for all of his existence.
Brecklin is a young woman suffering from a fatal disease. The day at the beach is meant to be her final day on earth. What initially begins as a little fun on her part, takes a dramatic and serious turn when she meets Daniel. He makes her a tempting offer, but she can’t believe anything he says. 

 What was the hardest part of writing this book?

It is extremely emotional, and does carry a suicide thread. 

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? 

You have to realize Daniel is essentially a Victorian era man living in the modern world. Some of his interactions with Brecklin are funny and awkward. I loved writing his reactions to her behavior.

What are your future project(s)?

Currently I am writing book 3 of my RISE series, which will be titled EMBREE’S RISE.

Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers about this book/series?

Although the series is currently available as eBooks, my publisher is planning to release all three books as one paperback, hopefully by the end of the year.

Now an exciting excerpt from Save Me (Believe Again)!

A vision in pink.
He blinked hard to be sure he was seeing what he thought.
It was a woman standing in the open doorway of the morgue. Her long, almost waist length dark hair flowed over a pink dress that nearly reached her ankles. Her feet were bare.
Daniel’s heart began to beat double time in his chest, as she crooked a finger at him.
Was she real? Or was she some spirit of a former patient from Barrow Haven?
He seen some oddities over the years, most likely because of his eternal condition. But never a ghost or spirit like this one. She absolutely shined, and he found himself rooted to the spot, unable to lift his sneakered feet.
When she blew him a kiss, his feet unstuck, and he walked towards her. Just as he got closer, she suddenly turned, and darted into the open doorway of the morgue.
He knew he shouldn’t pursue her. He didn’t know what she was, or what game she may be playing. Yet he picked up his pace, until he entered the open doorway where she disappeared just a minute or two earlier.

Author Bio:
Natalie-Nicole Bates is a book reviewer and author.
Her passions in life include books and hockey along with Victorian photography, Frozen Charlotte dolls, and antique poison bottles. Natalie contributes her uncharacteristic love of hockey to being born in Russia.
She currently resides in the UK where she is working on her next book and adding to her collection of 19th century post-mortem photos.
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  1. Thank you so much for featuring SAVE ME (Believe Again)!

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for the opportunity!

  2. I love Natalie Nichole Bates books Congrats Natalie on the spotlight

  3. Thank you for the interview and teasers! :)

  4. No I don't feel a missing Part from my past !

  5. This sounds so good. And that cover is gorgeous.

  6. No I have been fortenate not to be in that position !

  7. No, I do not really feel a missing part from my past.

  8. No, I don't feel a missing part from my past. Thanks for hosting and for the giveaway! :)

  9. No, I don't feel that way at all.

