Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Excerpt Tour w/Giveaway: Annie's Recipe by Lisa Jones Baker

Annie’s Recipe
by Lisa Jones Baker
GENRE: Inspirational (Amish)


Lisa will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please visit to follow the tour, remember the more you comment better your chances on winning.



Annie Mast and Levi Miller were childhood best friends until his father was shunned. Now, 10 years later, Levi returns to Arthur, Il, and he and Annie discover their bond is as strong as ever. Soon they begin imagining a future together, but that's unlikely to happen. Levi is part of the English world, and Annie is Amish. But together, with love on their side, they may just find their way to an answered prayer.

Buy Link:


Exclusive Excerpt:

Moments later, the wind died down and Annie and Levi reclaimed their original seats on the large stones. She sensed an uncertainty in his demeanor from the way he fidgeted with his hands. He kept wringing them together; finally, he decided on a place to rest them. On his thighs. What on earth was wrong? Was he sick?


When he spoke his voice was firm but emotional. “I’m okay. Just a little…nervous.”

“About what?”

He faced her. When she’d glimpsed his fingers, she’d noticed they were shaking. Their faces were so close, her nose nearly touching his. His warm breath fanned her eyelashes.

“Annie, we’ve always been honest with each other.”

To her surprise, his voice suddenly sounded soft and uncertain. What on earth was he about to tell her?


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lisa Jones Baker is a multi-published author with Kensington Books. Her debut book of THE HOPE CHEST OF DREAMS series, REBECCA’S BOUQUET, won a Publishers Weekly starred review. A former teacher with a BA degree in French education, Lisa has been on 5 out of 7 continents, is a dog lover, enjoys positive thinkers , volunteering in her church’s food pantry, and strong female characters.

Social Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. I am really enjoying following this tour, thank you for all the great blog posts and excerpts!

  3. Good luck with the release!


  4. Really enjoyed the description of the book. I like reading Amish fiction and I would like to read "Annie's Recipe".

  5. Really enjoyed the description of the book. I like reading Amish fiction and I would like to read "Annie's Recipe".

  6. Great excerpt, sounds like an interesting story! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Agh! Will it be a happily ever after or will prejudice get in the way?

  8. Annie's organic macaroni and cheese can fix anything!

  9. Great tour! I have really enjoyed following this tour and learning more about this book!

  10. I've never read Amish romance before - is there really a following for such a niche genre or is it the attraction of HEA's that sells the books, I wonder?

  11. I've never read Amish romance before - is there really a following for such a niche genre or is it the attraction of HEA's that sells the books, I wonder?

  12. This book sounds fantastic! Thanks for hosting.

  13. I'd like to wish everyone a very happy Easter.

  14. I'd like to wish everyone a very happy Easter.

  15. Thanks for the great giveaway! The book sounds amazing!
