Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Release Blitz w/Giveaway: Kinky As F*ck by Avery Aster

release day blitz

Book Title: Kinky As F*ck 
Author: Avery Aster 
Genre:  M/M Erotic Romance and M/M New Adult Note: features BDSM 
Release Date: February 21, 2017 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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book blurb

Two bestselling novels at one low price!

XO, Blake: New Yorker Blake Morgan is gay, handsome, and kinky as f*ck. In this duet, you’ll join him on a naughty new adult adventure where he wakes up in a man's bed he’s been lusting after for as long as he can remember.

Unsaid: Lower East Side multimedia artist extraordinaire Miguel Santana may be known as the cocky Latin stud in the city, but all he’s wanted since college was Blake’s hand in marriage. He was livid when Blake walked down the aisle with the wrong guy. Miguel has his own list titled the Seven Needs, which are quite contrary to Blake’s dirty-boy deeds. They involve serious commitments, which may leave his new-to-the-singles-scene buddy sprinting for the door, destroying any hopes Miguel has for happiness.


Blake looked up, not quite forgetting his friend’s beauty. His black pearl eyes raked over him, full lips and dimples received the gesture.

“Has anyone ever told you that you are the spitting image of Mario Lopez?”

“From Extra TV??”

“Ah-huh.” He always appreciated his friend’s sex appeal, but he’d never noticed how gentle and caring he was until that moment. He could be super sweet.

“Every day,” Miguel returned, the smile accentuating his dimples to further resemble the TV actor. He handed him a toothbrush topped with paste and instructed, “Brush.”

Scrubbing the toothbrush in his mouth, he cleaned over his top and bottom teeth, then his tongue back and forth, spat on the shower floor next to their feet, and rinsed his mouth in the shower.

A creamy shampoo was applied to his curls while standing under the showerhead. With a bristle brush, Miguel scrubbed his shoulders and back counterclockwise, followed by his chest, arms, legs, and feet clockwise.

He’d never had anyone wash his hair except at the salon. Overwhelmed by how the simplest gesture made him feel, he closed his eyes and tried to stand tall. In silence, he observed their closeness. You…treat me as a gift. Make me feel special.

This shower brought the intimacy between them to a newfound intensity.

Reaching down, Miguel grabbed him close, groin-to-groin. Their two cocks touched. “We’re about the same size.”

“Not quite,” he corrected, believing Miguel to be bigger. He wasn’t sure why, but he’d always felt so much smaller around him. Maybe it was his dominant personality, his confidence.

Miguel held onto his cock and rubbed his palm over the tip. He then circled his hand over his own. His dimpled grin increased.

He squirmed but stood his ground, looking his friend deep in his molten eyes. He wasn’t backing down. Not then.

The challenge must’ve motivated what came next for Miguel reached behind him and grabbed his ass.

His mouth leaned up to Blake’s right ear. “Tonight, I’m going to fist you. I want your ass clean.” He buried two fingers inside him.

“Mig!” He loved this.


“Yes.” He was tempted to say, No. No way in Hell, but his friend seemed intent on fisting. He’d brought it up a few times. Who knew, he enjoyed his face fucking and golden shower, so maybe the pleasures would continue. “This morning was the hottest thing ever.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” After grabbing the shave cream canister, Miguel lathered his scruff.

“I am, very much so.”

Miguel popped off a new disposable razor lid from the shower caddy. Starting with Blake’s right cheek, he glided the blade down, top to bottom and said, “Such a pretty face, for a man.” He studied his eyes for confirmation.

“Oh, please…” He looked away knowing he wasn’t one for compliments, especially about his face.

“Why do you dismiss what I say?” With an owner’s grip, he turned his chin and shaved his upper neck.

“I wasn’t raised placing an emphasis on looks.” He felt the shower’s heat steal into his pores. It was hard to listen to the compliments. Ever since that plane crash, back in college, he never thought of himself as attractive.

“You’d never know with the way you carry yourself.”

“What do you mean?” He drew his upper lip down, enabling Miguel to shave under his nostrils.

“You take pride in the way you dress, the clothes, fit body, perfect teeth¾”

“Thanks. I work in advertising. It’s my job to look good.”

“It shows.”

Miguel pressed his lips against his mouth. He slid his tongue into his mouth and kissed him deeply, pulling his body in tight. The shave foam residue lubed their lips. Blake’s backside rested against the tile wall, his torso buried deep in his friend’s embrace.

“Why do you look away when I compliment you? Do I make you uncomfortable talking about how attractive you are?”

“No. I, ahhh…” God, how would he answer that? He tried to smile. “Mig, no one’s ever said that to me before is all.”

“Well, it’s true. You’re the most attractive guy I’ve ever met.” Dropping the razor onto the ledge, he wrapped his arms around him.

With relentless enjoyment, he pressed into Miguel’s rock-hard body. “Thank you.” He saw acceptance in his friend’s eyes. He’d never noticed it until then. Had he always looked at him that way and he’d just not seen it before?

The shower suddenly felt too small. He could barely breathe. “I better get dressed. I have some errands to run before work.”

Miguel squirted shampoo onto his own hair as he stepped out and toweled off.



meet the author

New York Times bestselling author Avery Aster pens The Manhattanites, a contemporary erotic romance series of full-length, stand-alone novels, and the naughty new adult prequel companion series The Undergrad Years. Join Avery's newsletter eepurl.com/CQ665 and get a FREE ebook!

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