Monday, August 15, 2016

Blurb Blitz w/Giveaway: Enlightenment by Liz Keel

by Liz Keel
GENRE: Fantasy/YA


Liz Keel will be awarding 2 randomly drawn commenters each a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC via rafflecopter during the tour. Please visit to follow the tour, remember the more you comment better your chances on winning.



After losing everything, all seventeen-year-old Thea wanted was to be a normal teenager. Instead, she was attacked by a mysterious creature she thought only existed in fairy tales. Now thrown into the unknown realm of Faey, Thea is forced to determine the difference between reality and fantasy, in a world ruled by a dark elite and a society wracked by intolerance and prejudice. With the support of her new friends and a mysterious dark haired, blue-eyed guardian watching her every move, Thea will discover that when it comes to Faey, nothing is what it seems. Will her courage and desire to save this new world from darkness be enough? Or will Thea be the next victim to fall to the dark whispers of fate...

Enlightenment will be $0.99 during the tour.
Buy Links



I awoke to an incessant bleeping and hushed whispers of ‘So young’ and ‘Such a shame’ and it was at that point I knew both of my parents were dead. Upon opening my eyes, a numb feeling began to take over as I realised I was in the local hospital with doctors giving me sympathetic looks and calling me sweetie whilst a nurse asked me who they should contact. That was an easy answer: no one. My parents had both been only children and their parents, my grandparents, had died when they were young.  There was no one else. A couple of hours later Eli turned up with his family. Who’s Eli? Explaining him isn’t exactly one of the easiest things to do, as our relationship was complicated to say the least. Foremost, he’s my best friend, even with his over-protective nature, which I think stems from his need to look out for me, kind of like how I imagined a brother would for a sister. This would make sense as I’ve always been really close to his family, 
who seem to have been in my life for forever. Yes, it was helped by the fact they lived in the same neighbourhood as us and that he went to the same high school as me; but more than that Eli seems to have been there at all my major life events. From losing my first tooth, to falling off my bike and then taking me for walks in the forest when I needed the company, he’s always been there, someone I could rely on. And again on this eventful day, he turned up knowing exactly what I needed: for someone not to say anything, but instead just to sit with me. He completely ignored his mother’s sobs as he only had eyes for me, walking quickly over to my bed and wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me onto his lap and once again I seemed to fit perfectly as he cocooned me, wrapping his arms around my back, his warmth spreading through me like a drug. We were both seniors but he looked older, probably due to the growth spurt he had had over the summer. At six foot one he was a whole seven inches taller than me and had these tanned muscular arms that were freakishly strong, probably due to his part-time job as a labourer on the local farm. His dark blond hair spent most of the time being brushed back from his forehead, as it always fell into his eyes, but it always really suited him that way. One of the things I loved most about him were his eyes, which sparkled different shades of emerald green and I swear just looking at them let me know how he was feeling. On that day they had been a dull green.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I live in Surrey, England, a short walk from the beautiful Windsor Park, with my husband Richard and our two gorgeous children Noah and Olivia. For me, writing is nothing short of an addiction and I often find myself sneaking out to my writing shed for just a few minutes, which can often turn into hours of pure, unadulterated bliss catching up with my characters and continuing their story. In-between writing, I teach in a primary school where there’s never a dull moment! I will also often be found Kindle in hand, reading a wide variety of genres but with YA fantasy and paranormal romance at the forefront of my reading list. Although I’m currently writing the second book in the Driel trilogy, other characters involving all things fantasy, paranormal and YA romance are jockeying for position, wanting me to write their story next, so watch this space! It is such a privilege to share my stories with you the reader. Thank you enough for taking the time to find out more about me.
To find out more about Liz, visit her website:
Social Links


a Rafflecopter giveaway

"Publisher's Giveaway"

Publisher's link to a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Melissa, thank you for hosting the Enlightenment tour on your blog!
    If anyone has any questions about the book or me as an author, I'd love to hear from you.
    Liz Keel

  2. Happy Monday and thank you once again for a terrific giveaway.

  3. Congrats on the blog tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

  4. Thanks for sharing the excerpt - I enjoyed reading it :)

  5. The opposite of the lives of most of us, who have to realize we actually have been living in a fairy tale.

  6. Best of luck with the promo tour Liz!

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Midu, thank you for taking part in the tour!

  8. Sounds like an intriguing book. Signed up for the newsletter: eendrizzi79.

  9. Rainy morning here in Michigan. Hope your day is bright and sunny! Thanks again for a great giveaway

  10. I've signed up for your newsletters as k8sars053@

  11. I've signed up for your newsletters as k8sars053@

  12. Have a great day and thank you for the great giveaway

  13. Happy Friday and stopping by to say thank you for giving us this opportunity to win

  14. Thanks again for the chance to win and have a great weekend!

  15. Enjoy this beautiful Sunday morning and thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway.

  16. Good Morning! Enjoy your Tuesday (thought all morning it was Wednesday) and thank you for this opportunity to win

  17. Good Afternoon! Stopping by to once again thank you for the great giveaway.

  18. You're awesome and I do appreciate you bringing us this great giveaway. Thanks for all you do!

  19. Happy FRIDAY!!! Have a good one and thanks for the chance at winning.

  20. I enjoyed the excerpt! Don't we all wish we had a friend like Eli by our side through good times and bad times!

  21. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    The book sounds amazing!
