Sunday, June 5, 2016

EskieMama Reads Review: Touched by Love by Melissa Foster

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Fiercely independent Janie Jansen has always believed there were worse things in life than being blind, and she’s spent her life proving it. She’s moved away from her overprotective parents, built a life in New York City, and is one of the top technical editors in her company. That is, until an unfortunate accident turns her life upside down and she’s forced to give up the very independence she’s worked so hard to achieve.

Firefighter Boyd Hudson pushed past his tragic past and is weeks away from accomplishing his ultimate dream—being accepted into medical school. His intense focus on his goal while working three jobs has taken its toll. With a trail of failed relationships behind him, Boyd is painstakingly aware of his limitations and avoids girlfriends completely—a difficult task given his attraction to one of his co-workers.

When Boyd comes to Janie’s rescue, she’s forced to accept his help, and Janie discovers there’s more to the sexy-sounding office flirt than one-liners. Their connection deepens as Janie heals, but it turns out that Janie isn’t the only one who needs healing. Boyd’s painful past comes back to haunt him, threatening their relationship and forcing Boyd to reevaluate everything he knows about himself.

Review:                                  5 Stars

A love story, am a sucker for them, always have been and always will be. This one thought had a angle that I did not think was there. Both her characters were to say the least very interesting. Janie her female character is as strong as they come, but she is blind. Boyd the male character has his own problems to overcome, that stem from a tragedy that happened to him when he was but a child.
The Author brought these characters together and wove a magical story of love, discovery and trust that comes with love. I loved this trip through the story that took me from pain loneliness, love and back again through it all.

I received a free copy for my honest review!

Reviewed by Jara

Happy Reading!!!

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