Sunday, June 12, 2016

EskieMama Reads Review: My Sweetest Sasha by Eva Charles

My Sweetest Sasha 
by Eva Charles


Meadows Shore is the childhood home of the five Clayton sisters and the six Harrington brothers, the family seat where these irresistible characters gather regularly, or whenever they need the comfort of Portuguese home cooking and the love and wisdom of elder women.

Cole Harrington, the oldest of those swoon-worthy Harrington brothers, is a gifted trauma surgeon with a cocky smile and a whole lot of swagger. He’s assigned an executive coach after he smashes the thermostat in the operating room to smithereens.

Alexa Petersen is a nice girl from Minnesota who’s been tasked with shadowing the naughty trauma surgeon, and writing a report to end his promising career. While she might prefer pretty lace panties, Alexa’s not afraid to slip on a pair of steel-toed boots when Cole needs to be knocked down a notch or two.

Hospital drama and small-town woes, the truth obscured by secrets and lies. Where nothing is as it appears—not even Cole and Alexa.

Review:                              5 Star

My Sweetest Sasha is the 2nd book in the Meadows Shores series & they just get better.  The series is based on a set of cousins the Clayton's, all girls & the Harrington's, all boys, a few years after their parents have died in a plane crash. Cole took over the father-figure model with being the oldest, he is always there for his 5 bothers & 5 cousins,  protector, & guidance (even if they do not want it), always in control, he is just not protecting & in control with his also with his patients, staff & people he cares about. Never sharing his burden with anyone until Alexa enters the scene.  I loved watching Cole & Alexa characters develop from his shadow to friends to lovers it was such a treat & it wasn't  a smooth transition there was some rocky bumps but what do you expect from a character like Cole arrogant & always in control. I also love like in the A Wedding at Meadows Shore, the family is all together on one holiday back at Meadows Shores with the aunts & Avo Angelina, but we see them together more in this book then last especially the Harrington boys I just love the interaction with all them especially the sarcastic but loving banter.  I also like how Eva kept us updated with Sophie & Max from A Wedding at Meadows Shore & how they were sticking the nosy but caring nose into Cole's life.  My Sweetest Sasha had everything I love in a good romance, a nosy but caring family, romance, laughs & a few tears wait I should say lot of tears, but those turned into giggles in some parts, I can't not wait to return to Meadow Shores to find out which Harrington or Clayton gets bit by the love bug next. If you are looking for a good beach read or great anytime read I recommend you pick up a copy of My Sweetest Sasha,  you probably will fall in love with the Harrington-Clayton clan & Avo Angelina like this reader has. Eva Charles has earned a faithful fan in this reader!!

I received a free copy for the exchanged of my honest review!

Reviewed by Mel

Happy Reading!!!

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