Saturday, May 13, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Audiobook Review: Fredo's Secret & Fredo's Dream by Sharon Hamilton Narrated by J. D. Hart

Fredo's Secret & Fredo's Dream
SEAL Brotherhood #16
Sharon Hamilton
J.D. Hart


Navy SEAL Alphonso Manuel Esquidido "Fredo" Chavez has the heart of a lion and would do anything to protect and honor his beautiful bride, Mia. He'd fought for her love tirelessly, even after his Team buddies suggested he give up. But it was more than pride that wounded him when he discovered he could not father children. He is raising another man's son as his own, but can never give her what she wants more than possibly anything else in the world. He has kept this a secret only to himself and his best friend, Cooper. And he knows time is not on his side.

Mia Guzman has come a long way from wild child girlfriend of San Diego drug dealers to devoted mother and now dutiful wife of the man she now knows was always there for her, and always will be. She yearns to have a child with Fredo, to honor him with her body in every way she can, perhaps making up for the years she discounted his devotion.

Their beautiful love and marriage will be tested to the limits through twists and turns before the dramatic final outcome listeners will love.

Review:                                    5 stars

As a fan of Sharon Hamilton’s SEAL Brotherhood series I have been waiting on Fredo’s story and Sharon made the wait worth it. She first gave us Fredo’s novella Fredo’s Secret. Fredo is keeping a secret from his wife Mia He fears once he gives her his news she will not want him anymore. Even though Fredo’s Secret was a novella, Sharon gave what all her fans expect from one of her books, suspense, thrilling action, hot steamy sex and that dang sexy Navy SEAL team 3.

Sharon continued Fredo’s and Mia’s story in Fredo’s Dream. Fredo is still keeping his secret from Mia, but Mia has a secret of her own which she shares with him which throws his world in a whirlwind. Fredo can’t believe Mia hasn’t been faithful to him how could she do this to them. Will he be able to accept this baby she is carrying as he has stepped up and been a father to her son Ricardo by another man or will this destroy his relationship with Mia.

Fredo’s Dream as like all of Sharon’s other books didn’t not disappoint her fans! Once again we get the thrilling action, suspense, hot steamy sex, drama and that HOT SEXY Navy SEAL team 3. I love how in most of her books she brings some of the team 3 guys back & she keeps us up to date about what is going on in their family lives.

I was lucky enough to listen to this book on audio, Sharon writes the book for us to read and J.D Hart brings the story to our ears. J.D is such a wonderful storyteller, if you never have listen to J.D’s wonderful storytelling, you would think there was another person along with him telling the story. Butt in fact it is ONLY J.D. He is such a pleasure to listen to. When he tells a story you know right away who is speaking he is so magnificent in giving each player in the book a different book. It just amazes me how he can keep the voice to each character straight and from one book to the next, by the way have listened to plenty of Sharon’s books on audio and J.D always has the same voice for each character. If you love reading Sharon’s book and you have read everyone, but have a favorite one you have continuous go back, try one of her books in audio and like me you will want to hear everyone in audio.

I received a free audio copy for my honest review!

Review by Mel

Happy Listening!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa, I'm just curious: is there much of a difference between reviewing an audio-book and a physical/ebook?
