Sunday, May 28, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Sunday Spotlight w/Giveaway: Reminiscences Of A Seeker by Kapil Kumar Bhaskar


Welcome to EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads
Sunday Spotlight!

Reminiscences of A Seeker
by Kapil Kumar Bhaskar

Enter below for a chance to win an ecopy of 
Reminiscences Of A Seeker from 
Kapil Kumar Bhaskar

A series of events catapults Kapil into the fascinating world of Dark Arts and suck him into the quagmire of drama, suspense, greed and betrayal. And just when the trials and tribulations seem to engulf Kapil completely, there emerged from the deepest darkness, a Brilliant Light of his True Master.
Reminiscences of A Seeker tells the true story of an ordinary man plunged into extraordinary circumstances of the Dark World. 
Kapil takes you on his unforgettable true journey of the supernatural world of mystics and higher beings, unbelievable miracles and the parallel world of darkness and light, in his spiritual pursuit of seeking the ONE – who would show him the Ultimate Divine.

Grab YOUR copy TODAY!

Tell us about Reminiscences Of A Seeker: Dark Face Of The White World.

Reminiscences of A Seeker is my true story of my spiritual journey. It is the unique odyssey where my quest for spiritual enlightenment leads me unwittingly into the dark world of Dark Arts.

We belong to such a period of time wherein innocent seekers are lured into the snares of wily “Gurus” and masters who befool them easily by playing on their deepest fears and weaknesses.

A series of events catapults me into the fascinating world of Dark Arts and suck me into the quagmire of drama, suspense, greed and betrayal in the hands of wrong “Gurus” and masters.

And just when the trials and tribulations engulf me completely, there emerged from the deepest darkness, a Brilliant Light of my true Master.

Reminiscences of A Seeker is the true story of an ordinary man plunged into extraordinary circumstances of the Dark World.

The true account takes the readers through an unforgettable journey and understanding and knowledge of the supernatural world of mystics and higher beings, unbelievable miracles and the parallel world of darkness and light, in my spiritual pursuit of seeking the One - who would show me the Ultimate Divine.

What initially inspired you to write Reminiscences Of A Seeker: Dark Face Of The White World?

I never thought I will write a book about my spiritual journey as these were my personal experiences and very close to my heart. After the death of my true Master, I was in deep pain after losing him in the physical form. It was then, few of my closests friends insisted that I share with the world, my experiences as it would be a guide to millions of seekers who are in search of spiritual wisdom and often get caught in the hands of wrong Masters, similar to the way I was. Even the name of the book is given by my friend. It was then, I started working on my book. The experiences I have is immense, I tried to pen down a few spiritual experiences which people can relate to.

Tell us little about the characters in Reminiscences Of A Seeker: Dark Face Of The White World.

In the book, the main protagonist is myself, the author himself, that is Kapil Kumar Bhaskar. As the book is about my spiritual Masters, the other main characters are: Swami Ramanand Saraswati - My real Guru or True Master, who pulled me out of the world of Darkness into the Light, who taught me that real spiritualism is not about attaining powers but being humble and simple.

Trilokenath: My first Master who was a Tantric and with whom I initiated my spiritual journey. But, he led me to the Dark World and taught me many tantric practices. Under his ageis, I became powerful and was able to perform supernatural miracles and feats and manouvered ghosts and souls for our gains.

Asurnath: My second Aghori Master to whom I fall prey after leaving my first Master.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

The grief and sadness of missing my True Master during writing the book. I had to relive and re-experience every moment of my past which I had gone through, which was very painful.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

The first chapter, “The Divine Wish Fulfilled” as it was the time when I met my real Master in the physical form. The moment I still cherish in my heart.

What are your future project(s)?

I will be finalising the second book of this series, which is almost 80% done.

Kapil Kumar Bhaskar has been on his spiritual journey for more than two decades. Blessed by Adi Gurus, Spiritual Guides and Masters (who visited him out of their body form), Kapil has a deep understanding of the human psyche and has divine clarity on both esoteric and non-esoteric issues. Having received divine guidance, his knowledge and understanding of spiritual matters goes beyond books and comes from anubhuti... experience.
In his own words, the experiences he underwent in this sojourn shaped him to become what he is today. His knowledge does not come from books but from experiences.

As he often says, “You have not got birth here, neither you will get death... The only thing you will get here is Experience...”

After a successful stint as a businessman, Kapil Kumar Bhaskar gradually shifted his area of work to become a full-time spiritual consultant to those lost and confused on their personal path of inner excellence. A multi-faceted personality, Kapil is a spiritual mentor, a prolific writer, a counsellor par excellence. He has penned uplifting articles which have been printed in magazines and journals within and outside the country.

Highly articulate, he debunks myths and conditioned beliefs and theories propounded by self-proclaimed guardians of orthodoxy, to help people connect with their true self. He has guided and helped countless people. His radical interpretations of spiritual and religious dogmas existing amongst the masses have transformed the lives of all those who have chosen to associate themselves with him.
His lifelong experiences have now been shaped in book form which gives in-depth information and knowledge of the dark side of the white world.
A Mentor with a difference, Kapil continues his spiritual quest which he says will last till this life... and maybe beyond.

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