Sunday, April 30, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Sunday Spotlight w/Giveaway: The Zen Detective By Devorah Fox

Welcome to Eskiemama & Dragon Lady Reads
Sunday Spotlight!

Today we are spotlighting Devorah Fox's 
The Zen Detective!
Our 100th Spotlight!

Enter below for a chance to win a print copyof Magic Unveiled, 
A Science Fiction/Fantasy anthology from Devorah Fox

Devorah Fox's
The Zen Detective!

On the road to Zen enlightenment, homicide detective Will Mansion takes a seductive detour down the path to perdition.
When a bust goes terribly wrong, Paradise City detective Will Mansion nearly dies while saving his partner. On leave, Will seeks relief from post-traumatic stress disorder through Zen meditation and abstinence. He responds to the plea of the cryptic Sister Clyde to find a man missing from her soup kitchen, a man who may provide a lead to the vicious drug dealer who nearly killed Will. The search seduces Will away from the healing he seeks and he finds himself on the smarmy Miracle Mile. Alcohol, sex, and the potent drug “Nearvana” numb Will’s pain better than his infant Zen practice. He slips further and further into an underworld of the lost and hopeless only to find himself facing death—again.

Grab YOUR Copy Today

Tell us about The Zen Detective.

On the road to Zen enlightenment, homicide detective Will Mansion takes a seductive detour down
the path to perdition.

When a bust goes terribly wrong, Paradise City detective Will Mansion nearly dies while saving his partner. On leave, Will seeks relief from post-traumatic stress disorder through Zen meditation and abstinence. He responds to the plea of the cryptic Sister Clyde to find a man missing from her soup kitchen, a man who may provide a lead to the vicious drug dealer who nearly killed Will. The search seduces Will away from the healing he seeks and he finds himself on the smarmy Miracle Mile. Alcohol, sex, and the potent drug “Nearvana” numb Will’s pain better than his infant Zen practice. He slips further and further into an underworld of the lost and hopeless only to find himself facing death—again.

It’s a story that combines an outwardly-directed search for clues to a killer with an inwardly- directed search for self-awareness and serenity.

What initially inspired you to write The Zen Detective?

I had an experience of amplified awareness in my own meditation practice. It gave me the idea of creating a detective whose skills are similarly enhanced. My original intent was for a sort of superhero powered not with heightened strength or speed but rather insight. However, Detective Will Mansion’s personal issues took the story in a different direction.

Tell us little about the characters in The Zen Detective.

Police detective Will Mansion was shot in the line of duty and died, but was brought back to life. At the time of the story he is on medical leave, trying to get his post-traumatic stress under control. He would rather not rely on barbiturates and in the course of exploring meditation as an alternative becomes interested in Zen Buddhism.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

It’s told in the first person, present tense which made writing it an intense experience. I was deeply immersed in the character. Plus, there wasn’t any easy way to tell the reader anything that Will Mansion doesn’t himself know, see, or feel, so I had to tell the story of solving the mystery within the limits of his abilities and at his pace.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

Chapter Fifteen, wherein Will gets tattooed. Long before I had sketched out much of the story at all, I had that scene clearly in mind. I then had to figure out who was Will, who was Lix, and what transpired that led them to that encounter. In a way, I started with Chapter Fifteen and had to write my way up to it.

What are your future project(s)?

I have ideas for two more cases with Detective Will Mansion. I’m also currently working another police procedural mystery. It’s set in a different part of the country, with different characters, but it also combines a crime investigation with a personal spiritual search.

Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers about this book/series?

I feel that “The Zen Detective” is quite different from my other novels. Compared with The Bewilldering Adventures of King Bewilliam literary fantasy series, my thrillers “Naked Came the Sharks” and “Detour,” and my cozies, “Murder by the Book” and “One Bad Apple,” “The Zen Detective” seems to me to be darker and grittier. However, one reviewer called it “silky and muscular.” Other reviewers found it to be “humorous” and “wacky.” I’m delighted that one book can evoke such a wide range of responses.

Lix’s sketchpad hides his face, but not the rancor in his voice. “Why should I tell you? You went and told everyone I gave her up.”
  “No, I did not ... Yes. Yes, I did.”
  “See? Now everyone thinks, ‘Lix Gemini, you can’t trust him, he’s a snitch.’” He raises his eyes over the top of his pad and fixes me with an accusatory glare. “Now how am I supposed to go on living here?”  
  “I needed to find Hector—”
  “Yeah, that’s it, isn’t it?  It’s about what you want. Always about what you want, screw anyone else.” Lix trades his red pencil for a yellow one and returns to his sketch. “Story of my life. No one ever does, I don’t know why.”
  Yet he helped me last night in the alley. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it right.”
  “Yeah?  How?”
  “Well, I don’t know, I—”
  “Unzip your pants.”
  A five-car pile-up of words forms against the brick wall in my throat. In the silence I can hear Lix’s pencil skritch on the rough sketch paper. He looks up over the top of the pad, his expression innocent and serious.
  “Go on,” he says
  I am frozen in place.
  “You don’t have to take them off if you don’t want, just unzip and tuck in the flaps.” He slides down off the chair and mimes what he wants me to do. “I just need to get at your navel, actually the real estate below it.” He twirls his pencil.
  “A ta ... a tattoo?”
  “Yeah, a tattoo, what did you think?” He blinks his dark, long-lashed eyes once. “Oh, that?” His lips look very moist. “Is that what you want?” he asks.
  “Me?” My voice is a squeak. “I thought this was about what you want.”
  “What I want ...” His eyes get that wistful look again. He picks up his sketchpad and turns it around to show me his drawing. “It’s a lotus blossom.”
  Maybe. But a fierce one. The petals are tongues of flame, their rose color hot with orange undertones. Its yellow heart is a glowing ember. “A lotus?”
  “Uh huh. I know what you’re thinking: ‘a flower, that’s a hell of a tatt’ for a tough guy like me.’ But see, the lotus, it starts off in the muck at the bottom of the pond but then it grows up through the water and finally breaks the surface. A good symbol for you, Will, the way you can’t quit nosing around. And if I put it here, below the belt,” he pats his own belly, “no one will see it unless you show it to them. It’ll be your secret. Our secret.”
  A tattoo. The man wants to tattoo a lotus on my belly. The lotus, symbol of the pure perfection of the awakened mind, blooming only after it has risen above the murk of ignorance and beguiling desire. Outrageous. But temptation tingles my spine and my skin is warm as if Lix’s campfire of a lotus already burns there.

"What if?" Those two words all too easily send Devorah Fox spinning into flights of fancy. Best-selling author of award-winning books including The Bewildering Adventures of King Bewilliam literary historical fantasy series and several thrillers, she also penned Mystery Mini Short Reads and contributed short stories to popular fantasy anthologies. Born in Brooklyn, New York, she now lives on the Texas Gulf Coast with rescued tabby cats ... and a dragon named Inky. Visit the “Dee-Scoveries” blog at

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EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Review: Live For Me by Erin McCarthy

Live For Me
Blurred Lines #2
Erin McCarthy


The solace she sought…
In and out of foster care her whole life, Tiffany Ennis has never had space or privacy, so housesitting a mansion on the coast of Maine with only the absentee rich owner’s dog for company is pure bliss. But her peace is shattered when the injured owner returns to his compound unexpectedly. Tiffany finds him to be sexy and intriguing, showing an interest in her that must be mocking, given that everyone’s always told her she’s plain, nothing special.

Becomes an affair she never expected…

Devin Gold, known in the music industry as Gold Daddy, is usually in New York City attending drop parties and having men and women alike throw themselves at him, and Tiffany wishes he’d stayed there. There’s no reason for a top producer to hole up in Maine in the dead of winter, and every time she turns around he’s asking her prying questions. She finds herself starting to enjoy their intellectual conversations and clever sparring matches, and in a hot minute she’s falling for him. Even knowing that he’s a decade older, filthy rich, and could only want her for his momentary amusement.

Yet even when he hosts beautiful and confident guests from the city, he still seems to prefer her company, and is protective when odd things start happening around the house, threatening her safety. But how far is Tiffany willing to go with a man who is still very much married, estranged wife or not, just to feel special?

And all the lines between past and present and right and wrong are blurred… 

Review:                                5 stars

Tiffany Ennis has never had space or privacy, but after issues with her Grandmother she managed to find a job house sitting for a rich absent owner, who only came once in a blue moo.
But the peace and quite she had been looking forward to is shattered the night the owner returns Tiffany finds him sexy not at all what she thought he would be, and he is showing interest in her, and she does not know what to do or how to react to this.
Devin Gold, known in the music industry, normaly in New York city, and Tiffany wishes he had stayed there, there is nothing for him here in the middle of winter.
Every time she turns around he’s asking her prying questions. She finds herself starting to enjoy their intellectual conversations and clever sparring matches, and in a hot minute she’s falling for him. Even knowing that he’s a decade older, filthy rich, and could only want her for his momentary amusement.
Little by little her feelings for him grow as do his, but will they survive what is to come, will they make it. Read the book its a lovely story, with depth and emotion.

I received a copy for my honest review!

Review by Jara

Happy Reading!

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Review: Her Relentless SEAL by Caitlyn O'Leary

Her Relentless SEAL
Midnight Delta #10
Caitlyn O'Leary


Small-town girl Evie Avery’s dream vacation has become her worst nightmare. Now she's on the run in a foreign country, and has no idea why.

Navy SEAL, Aiden O’Malley, had his reasons for turning his back on Evie all those months ago, but he hasn’t been able to get her out of his mind. She changed him, for better or worse. When he finds out she's missing, long-pent-up feelings come roaring to life, and he will stop at nothing to bring her home.

Evie finds herself face-to-face with a man she vowed to forget. The flame she thought had burned out months ago suddenly ignites. Storming back to Tennessee, she is mad as hell when he follows her. Worse, she finds that the terror she’d experienced abroad, is still stalking her. Aiden hounds Evie’s every step as he tries to keep her alive, but she doesn’t care, it’s not his protection she wants. If she can’t have his heart, she wants him gone. As the enemy closes in, Aiden wonders if there enough of his battered soul to give to a woman who deserves the world.

Review:                                5 stars

A story after my own heart, Evie Avery is on the vacation of a life time, a dream vacation that has turned into a nightmare, she is now on the run in a foreign country and does not even know why.
Navy Seal Aiden O'Malley had a reason to turn his back on Evie a while back, but that does not mean she is not on him mind, then he finds out she is missing and all those feelings come flooding back and he will stop at nothing to bring her back home.
Evie is not face to face with a man she promised herself to forget, but those feelings are awakened again and she is mad even as what she has gone through has followed her and she find the terror is here stalking her.
Aiden is trying to keep her alive, but she does not care she wants him, not his protection and if she can't have him she wants him gone from her life.
Will he be able to keep her alive, will they find the love they both want?

I received a copy for my honest review!

Review by Jara

Happy Reading!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Saturday Spotlight w/Giveaway: Blood in the Woods by J.P Wille

Welcome to EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads
Saturday Spotlight!

Today we are spotlighting one of America's Heroes
J. P. Wille's
Blood in the Woods!

We want to be the first to say THANK YOU J.P for your
service to our country!

Enter below for a chance to win a signed copy from 
J.P. Willie!

J. P. Willie's
Blood in the Woods!

Rural Louisiana country life is peaceful, idyllic, and sanguine. One bucolic town leads to another in an endless series of southern country life. Yet beneath the tranquil surface lies another story. A story of the south which hasn't been told only hinted at. 

As 26 -year -old Jody stands on the cracked, aged driveway of his childhood home, a black mass settles itself on his chest. A sense of fear is manifesting around the edges of his psyche as unmentioned memories flood back to the last time he stood on this spot years ago. There is an empty space where the trailer once stood. The place he called home; thought of as his refuge together with his mother and younger brother, but all was ripped apart along with the innocence of childhood.

Growing up in the late eighties and early nineties in the small town of Hammond, Louisiana, with his best friend Jack, was full of wonderful memories. Their lives on Rhine Road are typical for boys their age. Time is spent playing in the woods, shooting pellet guns, blowing up mailboxes, fighting at school and the beginnings of interests in girls. Their lives are what you would expect from children with no responsibilities or worries beyond the next pop-quiz or getting to second base. 

As they grow older together and experience the joys and pains of life, love, family and friendship, they discover a meddlesomeness borne of lazy summer days, boredom and childhood rebellion. Through idle curiosity, they stumble upon something horrific in the woods one evening and their lives quickly take a turn. 

They soon become hunted by an unspeakable evil and the hunting ground was home.

Grab YOUR copy TODAY!

Check out these articles about Blood in the Woods!

Q & A with J.P. Willie about Blood in the Woods!

Tell us about BLOOD IN THE WOODS.

BLOOD IN THE WOODS is a dark and terrifying coming-of-age novel mixed with the perfect narration about family, first loves, and friendship.

What initially inspired you to write BLOOD IN THE WOODS?

Upon returning home from my second deployment to Afghanistan, my best friend Jack lost his sister, Jamie, to a car accident. At that time in my life, I was in a terrible marriage and suffering with PTSD. I started writing as a form of therapy and while doing so, I remembered some terrifying true events I experienced during my childhood, and before I knew it, BLOOD IN THE WOODS was born.

Tell us little about the characters in BLOOD IN THE WOODS.

The two main characters are Jody and Jack; two best friends growing up in the small town of Baptist, Louisiana. Jody is the loud mouth and energetic one, while Jack’s more reserved and the toughest of the duo. They’re wild, reckless, relentless and rebellious, but because of this, they soon find themselves in over their heads.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

Some of the graphic scenes within the novel were tough to write. As a father of 5 children, it was truly a challenge, but as a storyteller, I knew I had to shock the readers and pull them out of their comfort zone.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

I didn’t really have a favorite chapter, but my favorite part in the novel, and for most readers, is the creek scene. Believe me, you’ll know when you get to it.

What are your future project(s)?

I’m currently writing my novella, HOT SUMMER SAVIOR, which will be out this summer.

Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers about this book/series?

The novel has been slated for film in 2018, so keep a lookout.

Now an exciting excerpt from Blood in the Woods!

“Hey.” I said, quietly.
“Hey.” Angela replied, trying to keep her back to me.
“So, are you still mad at me?” I asked, going straight for the elephant that was in the creek with us. “Is that why you haven’t said a word to me this whole time?”
“What do you think, Jody?”
“I don’t know,” I said, raising my voice a tad, “We haven’t talked to each other since we broke up.”
“And you think I should’ve been talking to you,” Angela spat, uncrossing her arms and getting into a defensive posture, “You said a lot of hurtful things to me that day, Jody. Things I haven’t forgotten. And then, after breaking up with me, after we’d been together for so long, you asked Laura to go out with you! Right away!”
“You broke up with me; remember?” I hissed, “I wasn’t the one that wanted to break up. You were the one that wanted to. I believe it was because you’re Mommy and Daddy forced you to do it. Am I right?”
“I didn’t want to,” Angela said, her eyes were becoming glossy, “But I did it. And now, ever since we’ve split, I’ve had to watch you walk happily through the halls, holding hands with Laura like I’ve never even existed!”
“It’s not like that.”
“Then tell me what it’s like,” Angela pried, “Do you not really like her?”
“Of course I like her.”
“Well then, tell me how much you like her. Tell me how long y’all stay on the phone talking to each other on the weekends,” Angela ranted, “Tell me anything.”
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you, Angela,” I yelled, silencing her rant, “Just because I’m going out with Laura, doesn’t mean I still don’t have feelings for you. I think about you all the time.”
“And I think about you all the time.” Angela said.
After the short argument was over, Angela started to cry. I walked over to her and placed my hands on top of her boney shoulders.
“I didn’t mean any of those things I said to you. I was angry; there’s been some things going on in my life for the past couple of years that you wouldn’t understand.”
“We’ve all been going through things.” Angela said, she had stopped crying.
“No doubt about that,” I said, agreeing wholeheartedly with her, “Look,” I brought my hand under her chin and raised it until she was looking me dead in the eyes, “I’m sorry if I hurt you. Can you not be mad at me anymore, please?”
“Sure.” Angela said, letting loose a long sigh.
“Good, now come here.” I said, warmly.
I pulled her into a tight hug and she wrapped her skinny arms tightly around my waist. As our bodies pressed closely against another, I brought my head down to her shoulder and squeezed her tighter. Her hair smelled like raspberry, and I could feel her heart beating against mine. I began swaying with her in my arms; it almost felt like we were dancing a slow dance that was just for us. Time seemed to stand still; I felt her arms loosen around my waist and she leaned back as we continued to rock slowly from side to side. The sun was still hot, and dragonflies were now landing in the water below our feet, searching for small insects. She brought both her hands up to my face, running her fingers through my spiked hair. My heart was pounding, and I could feel Angela’s doing the same.
“Kiss me.” Angela said.
“Okay.” I said, innocently.
I licked my lips quickly, hoping she didn’t notice that I was nervous, but somehow conjured up the intestinal fortitude and began to lean forward slowly. As I continued my movement to seal the kiss, splashing in the distance broke my concentration. I heard Jack screaming at the top of his lungs and we both opened our eyes instantly, letting go of each other. I focused my attention on Jack and Krystle, who were heading right for us.

Author Bio:

J.P. Willie was born and raised in the great southern state of Louisiana. He moved to Baton Rouge when he was 14 years old and graduated from Tara High School. He currently lives with his wife, Corrie, and 5 beautiful children in Louisiana. He served two combat tours in Afghanistan with the U.S. ARMY and has three years until he officially retires from the Military.

His first novel, BLOOD IN THE WOODS, which is inspired by true events from his childhood, is terrifying readers across the globe and soon to be a major motion picture. He enjoys writing Horror, Psychological Thrillers, Supernatural Fiction and Dark Fiction. He is already working on his second novel, THE TRAGEDY OF C. MOORE COOPER, and his first novella, HOT SUMMER SAVIOR, will be out this summer. His short story WELCOME HOME, ROUGAROU is ranked #5 in the Amazon Kindle store for short reads and is available now. 

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Blog Tour w/Giveaway: The Lily Singer Adventures Series by Lydia Sherrer

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This is my stop during the blog tour for The Lily Singer Adventures by Lydia Sherrer. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 28 April till 14 May, you can view the tour schedule here. Start this series for cheap! For a limited time book 1 and 2 in this series will be discounted so you can start this series for cheap. This discount only runs from 28 April till 30 April, so make sure to get your copies now! Find the whole series here on Amazon.
  Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Beginnings
Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Beginnings (The Lily Singer Adventures #1) By Lydia Sherrer Genre: Urban Fantasy Age category: Young Adult/ New Adult/ Adult
Blurb: Saving the world is such a bother when it makes you late for tea. By day, book-loving wizard Lily Singer manages library archives. By night? She sleeps, of course. In between, she studies magic and tries to keep her witch friend Sebastian out of trouble. Much to her displeasure, he finds it anyway and drags her along with him. From unmaking ancient curses to rescuing a town lost in time, Lily and Sebastian fight to avert magical mayhem. Meanwhile, Lily's mysterious past begins to unfold--a past hidden from her by those she trusts most. Will she be able to discover the truth despite them? Beginnings is the first installment of the Lily Singer Adventures urban fantasy series. Full of unexpected twists and snarky humor, this story has been known to cause: loud snorts of laughter, inexplicable craving for tea, and loss of work productivity. If you enjoy magic-filled adventures like Harry Potter and Sabrina the Teenage Witch then you'll love Lydia Sherrer's delightful new series.
Beginnings free graphic
You can find Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Beginnings on Goodreads Get Beginnings for free! From 28 till 30 April you can get your copy of Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Beginnings for free on Amazon. Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Revelations
Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Revelations (The Lily Singer Adventures #2) By Lydia Sherrer Genre: Urban Fantasy Age category: Young Adult/ New Adult/ Adult
Blurb: The truth shall make you free...sort of. Modern-day wizard Lily Singer prefers to stay tucked away in her library, studying magic and drinking tea. But with a troublesome witch friend and a past riddled with dangerous secrets, her chances of peace and quiet are slim. Armed with only wits and magic, she must manage her argumentative cat, thwart a plot to steal a powerful artifact, and decide who, amid all this, she can trust. The past, both ancient and modern, is catching up with her. Will discovering its secrets reveal her future, or doom it? Perhaps some truths are better left unknown... Revelations is the second book in the Lily Singer Adventures urban fantasy series. Full of unexpected twists and snarky humor, this story has been known to cause: loud snorts of laughter, inexplicable craving for tea, and loss of work productivity. If you enjoy magic-filled adventures like Harry Potter and Sabrina the Teenage Witch then you'll love Lydia Sherrer's delightful new series.
Revelations discounted graphic
 You can find Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Revelations on Goodreads Get Revelations while it's discounted! From 28 till 30 April you can get your copy of Love, Lies and Hocus Pocus: Revelations for a discounted price. On 28 April the book will be only $0.99, on 29 April the price will be $1.99 and on 30 April the price is $2.99. Before the book goes back to its normal price of $3.99 on 1 May. So make sure to get your copy while it’s discounted on Amazon.
The two newest books in this series Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Allies (The Lily Singer Adventures #3)
Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Allies
What’s worse than fighting with allies? Fighting without them. To stop her father’s evil plans, wizard and archivist Lily Singer must reconcile old grudges, make questionable allies, and bend the law to fix a problem that's not even her fault. Can she and her friends work together to save the day? Or will they let their differences divide them? Links: - Goodreads - Amazon Allies release day graphic
Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Legends (The Lily Singer Adventures #4) Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Legends
Troublemaking witch friend and talking cat in tow, Lily Singer must pursue her father to England as he seeks to discover an ancient evil and steal its power for himself. But with a queen of the fae after the same thing, Sebastian’s past comes back to haunt him and the three friends have to think fast and act faster to defeat legends that are, unfortunately, no longer in the past. Links: - Goodreads - Amazon Legends release day graphic The Lily Singer Adventures series banner 
All four books in The Lily Singer Adventures series are part of Kindle Unlimited. Lydia SherrerAbout the Author: Author of the Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus magical adventure series, Lydia Sherrer is a fantasy author whose goal is to leave this world a better place than when she found it. With an urban fantasy series, multiple short stories and a novella under her belt, Lydia has been writing for over a decade and enjoys nothing more than a good book, a cup of tea, and a comfy chair in the sunshine. When not writing she loves to play her ocarina (think Zelda), and also enjoys traditional archery, cosplay, larping, and art. Growing up in rural Kentucky, she was thoroughly corrupted by a deep love for its rolling countryside, despite the mosquitoes and hay fever. She was instilled with a craving for literature early on, and her parents had to wrestle books away from her at the dinner table. Though she graduated with a dual BA in Chinese and Arabic, having traveled the world she came home and decided to stay there. She currently resides in Louisville, KY with her loving and supportive husband, and their very vocal cat. You can find and contact Lydia Sherrer here: - Website - Facebook - Twitter - Goodreads - Amazon - Youtube - Instagram - Newsletter Giveaway There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of The Lily Singer Adventures. These are the prizes you can win: - 1st place is signed paperback copies of The Lily Singer Adventures Books 1 & 2 and ebook copies of Books 3 & 4 (US only) - 2nd place is ebook copies of The Lily Singer Adventures Books 1-4 (open world-wide) - 3rd place is ebook copies of The Lily Singer Adventures Books 1-2 (open world-wide) For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

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Week Blitz w/Giveaway: Chosen Path by J. Whitney Williams

Erotic Romance
Date Published: 4/28/2017

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Yumiko Itsumoto wants it all. An accomplished artist and feared attorney, she gets what she wants, all else be damned. Now she wants love, even if it means charting a new course for her life, but changing course can be dangerous.  In mere moments, she tumbles from the dizzying pinnacle of success into a bottomless abyss of murder and treachery.  Yumiko will not live happily ever after—not this time—but can she at least find a way to stay alive?

Editor's review 

Author J. Whitney Williams follows CARRIED AWAY—his surprisingly intelligent and deftly written debut—with a story that is even sexier, more thrilling and more enthralling than the first.
Again taking the reader on a trip across the world, meeting strange people in strange places via a prodigious narrator, CHOSEN PATH follows Yumi, a powerful and apparently dispassionate supporting character introduced in book one. But appearances deceive. Here, the reader is immersed in Yumi—into the very depths of her complex mind, her conflicted yet determined soul, her insatiable sex drive.
When Yumi encounters the woman who she presumes to be the fiancée of the love of her life—perhaps her only true love—she has every reason to seize the opportunity that presents itself to erase the woman from both of their lives forever. It’s no wonder Yumi is the prime suspect for the unfortunate woman’s swift and seemingly heartless murder. Unable to recall herself, Yumi assumes the worst, too. It wouldn’t be the first tragic fate to befall someone who stood in her way—or the last—and cameras don’t lie.
In CHOSEN PATH, Williams explores the very essence of what makes us human. The protagonist, a uniquely flawed yet extraordinarily likable woman of many talents and trades, demonstrates the jealousy and manipulation we see in ourselves and despise in others. At the same time, we’re drawn to Yumi. Geisha. Samurai. Assassin. Pseudo-royalty. Nothing happens to her; she creates. If we all shaped our own circumstances, our destinies, as adroitly as she, what paths would we choose and where would they lead us?


Either I was mistaken to leave him, or I am mistaken to go back. I can no longer consider myself a woman who does not make mistakes. Neither am I self-conscious, nor do I dress for the benefit of others, and yet I feel silly walking up out of the subway wearing a kimono. That contradiction scares me in a way I do not understand. At least I am still a woman who faces her fears.

It must be Sunday. There are too many people on the street for a weekday. And I would be at work. My situational awareness is poor. I must take care not to walk past Kosei’s building. I know this insomnia impairs my judgment, so perhaps I am wrong about doing this. I don’t think I am. I think I love him, and I have learned that love matters. I was wrong—about a lot of things. I know that now. I’m not just desperate.

Which implies that I am, in fact, desperate. I am. I’m desperate to be able to sleep again. I know that, and I still believe I am making the right decision. Being aware of our biases helps us to mitigate their effects. But I remember missing him on quiet nights and in the rare mornings when I woke well rested. I wanted him with me at times when I wanted nothing else.

I’m not just desperate. I do love him, and I was wrong. Willow-sensei was right that I had been unwilling to make a decision between career and family. Lots of women juggle both, even with children, but fundamentally one or the other has to come first. My choice has always been career, without question, any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I think today is Sunday.

Between practicing law and entertaining, career easily devoured almost all of me. I suppose I had two careers. I suppose they did devour all of me.

This is his building. The door code is still the same.

My decision is not which will come first. I have to give up one of those careers. No, like many of my thoughts today, that’s not true. He wouldn’t mind me booking engagements as a geisha. Only the sex concerned him. But if you’re going to play by the rules, why bother? It wouldn’t be the same. My thrill has always been the con—to see how far I can push a man’s judgment beyond what he knows to be unreasonable. Approaching as a geisha is simply one of my opening gambits. Only sex can truly destroy a man.

I am ready to give that up for him, all those years of careful study and practice. I am ready to let go. I am ready to compromise. I am ready to love harder than I work.

I am not ready to knock on his door.

How long have I been standing here? It bothers me that I don’t know. Too often lately I realize where I am and cannot remember how I got there. Those must be the moments in which I sleep.

It was a heavy thud against the inside of his door that woke me. I’m preening like a schoolgirl. Put your hand down, Yumi. The door remains closed. Maybe there was no thud. Maybe I dreamt it.

No, it was real. Lightly pressing my ear to the door, I can hear a woman’s heartbeat. It’s racing, and either she is very tall or her feet aren’t touching the ground. A slight moan escapes her throat, and her body lurches against the door again. I recognize the pattern. It’s him.

It’s the same intermittent cadence, the same thrusts and pauses. He never held me up like that. I should be the one on the other side of that door. A reflexive twitch of lustful anticipation turns to resentment and anger and other feelings for which I cannot remember the names. I need to leave.

A subway station? That must be my train pulling away. How long have I been standing here? There will be another in 15 minutes. When you miss a train, another comes—not so with people. I feel in my gut the hard truth that there is more between me and Kosei now than a door.

I should have anticipated that he would be seeing someone. He is a handsome man. He is also lighthearted, relaxed, casual. I need that. I need him back. His bed was the only place I ever felt I could rest, the only place I could still get to anyway.

I will be able to take him back from her, whoever she is, but it will require preparation. I must first discover my adversary. Nothing can be left to chance. She could be anyone.

I want him back so badly that I can smell his scent as if he were nearby. I’ve started seeing things lately too, little defects in the corners of my vision. It must be my lack of sleep. My situation is untenable.

“Oh, your kimono is so lovely!” I should thank the woman next to me for her compliment, but I already don’t like her. It’s only because I envy her. She seems so free and natural, so casual and peaceful, with the demeanor of a woman who just left a trusted lover’s bed. There is more than that though, maybe the engagement ring. It’s a beautiful ring.

“Thank you so much,” she says. “My boyfriend—my fiancé—just gave it to me today!” I wonder how much I said out loud. “It’s a dream come true,” she continues. “I’ve never met anyone like him. Is that our train?” Another is coming, but it won’t stop here. The local just left.

“No,” I answer. “The express.” The slightest moan escapes her in her disappointment. It echoes in my mind with the sound of Kosei’s lover, matching perfectly. I must be delusional, thinking this girl could possibly be the one. She is far too young, too frivolous, too modern. Her tank top and cutoffs are generic enough, but she wears glittered nail polish and has a little tattoo of a turtle behind her ear. Kosei wouldn’t be attracted to a girl like that.

She is an idiot. She wears her purse far too casually for how expensive it is. It must have been a gift from another idiot, but she doesn’t hold it as if it came from her idiot boyfriend.

The purse doesn’t bother me. I’ve seen plenty of old money wasted on oblivious girls. I have always taken care not to be one of them, not to be oblivious. The turtle offends me. That particular design is a ka-mon, a family emblem, Yoshimitsu to be precise. I can only infer that she likes turtles, because this girl is no Yoshimitsu. Kids today have no respect.

She jumps a little when her phone chirps and the purse inevitably falls. Once she digs her phone out of it, she doesn’t even stand before checking the message. It must be from her idiot boyfriend. His phone number is the same as Kosei’s.

She screams as she tumbles forward, right in front of the express train. I’ve never seen it happen before, but suicide by train is not uncommon. I wish people wouldn’t do that. It always throws off the scheduled service. It must make quite a mess for the maintenance people, too. Deafening shrieks of emergency brakes crowd out the echoes of her scream. At least there is one less idiot in the world.

It doesn’t make sense, though. She was so happy to be engaged. Why would she kill herself? She didn’t plan to. Even delirious as I am, I would have noticed suicidal intent in her mannerisms.

I feel sorry for her fiancé, for Kosei. He deserves better; I would never hurt him like she has. The thought of it makes me angry at her, but anger never solves anything. I wish I could go to him, to console him, but first I have to get rid of his lover somehow.

Wait. What just happened?

I need to leave.

About the Author 

A mathematician by training and computer programmer by trade, J. Whitney Williams lives and works under the X in Texas, thinking too much and speaking too little.

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Cover Reveal: Royally Endowed by Emma Chase


Logan St. James is a smoldering, sexy beast. Sure, he can be a little broody at times—but Ellie Hammond’s willing to overlook that. Because, have you seen him??

Sexy. As. Hell.

And Ellie’s perky enough for both of them.

For years, she’s had a crush on the intense, protective royal security guard—but she doesn’t think he ever saw her, not really.

To Logan, Ellie was just part of the job—a relative of the royal family he’d sworn to protect. Now, at 22 years old and fresh out of college, she’s determined to put aside her X-rated dreams of pat-downs and pillow talk, and find a real life happily ever after.

The Queen of Wessco encourages Ellie to follow in her sister’s footsteps and settle down with a prince of her own. Or a duke, a marquis…a viscount would also do nicely.

But in the pursuit of a fairy tale ending, Ellie learns that the sweetest crushes can be the hardest to let go. *** Logan St. James grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, in a family on the wrong side of the law. But these days, he covers his tattoos and scars with a respectable suit. He’s handsome, loyal, brave, skilled with his hands and…other body parts.

Any woman would be proud to bring him home to her family.

But there’s only one woman he wants.

For years he’s watched over her, protected her, held her hair back when she was sick, taught her how to throw a punch, and spot a liar.

He dreams of her. Would lay down his life for her.

But beautiful Ellie Hammond’s off-limits.

Everybody knows the bodyguard rules: Never lose focus, never let them out of your sight, and never, ever fall in love.




      Emma Chase is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the hot and hilarious Tangled series and The Legal Briefs series. Emma lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children and two naughty (but really cute) dogs. She has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine. WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | NEWSLETTER | TWITTER | GOODREADS | READER FAN GROUP

Book Blast w/Giveaway: Rachel's Dream by Lisa Jones Baker


Rachel’s Dream
by Lisa Jones Baker
GENRE: Inspirational Romance (Amish)


Lisa will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please visit to follow the tour, remember the more you comment better your chances on winning.



Rachel Kauffman and Jarred Zimmerman seem to have nothing in common. She's the outgoing youngest of a large, close-knit Amish clan, while Jarred is a young veterinarian who trusts the animals he heals far more than he trusts people. However, when Rachel's horse falls ill, Jarred's struggles to save him show Rachel he's a man who cares deeply. And the respect he feels for her gentle warmhearted ways soon becomes an irresistible bond. When Rachel tries to help Jarred reunite with his parents, it's an unexpected blessing..with one complication. If he takes this chance to put his past to rest, it could separate him and Rachel for good. Now, with prayer, love...and her hope chest's small miracles, Jarred and Rachel must find the courage to reconcile their wishes into a joyous life together.

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That sudden acknowledgment hit her with such a strong emotional ferocity, she wasn’t sure what to say. I will miss him. I’ve grown accustomed to his soft, kind voice. And I feel such a bond with Jarred, like I’ve never had with anyone. What will I do without him?

As if sensing her thoughts, Jarred stepped closer. “Rachel, thanks for lending me your ear. There can never be a happy ending for what happened. But I want you to know something. Even when Cinnamon’s well, I want to keep in touch.”

His statement prompted a sudden sigh of relief. “Of course.”

As Jarred stepped out of the barn, Rachel yearned for him to stay. To tell him everything she was feeling. So many emotions flitted inside her heart-frustration, compassion, gratefulness, sadness, and others she didn’t recognize-as he stepped into his truck and started the engine.

He wanted to keep in touch. The words came as a relief because she never wanted to be without him.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lisa Jones Baker is a multi-published author with Kensington Books. Her debut book of THE HOPE CHEST OF DREAMS series, REBECCA’S BOUQUET, won a Publishers Weekly starred review. A former teacher with a BA degree in French education, Lisa has been on 5 out of 7 continents, is a dog lover. She enjoys positive thinkers , volunteering in her church’s food pantry, and strong female characters.

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