Saturday, August 13, 2016

Q & A with Jett Munroe author of In the Line of Fire

Q & A with Jett Munroe author of In the Line of Fire

How did you come up with the idea for this story?
I wanted to do a book about a band of brothers versus damsel-in-distress. And while the damsel in IN THE LINE OF FIRE does end up in some distress, it’s not directed at her as much as it’s a way for the villain to get at the hero. But what I wanted to get across was the brotherhood of men who have put their lives on the line with, and for, each other.

Where do you find your inspiration?
Everywhere. News stories, TV shows, books (fiction and non-fiction), song lyrics. It’s hard to say when an idea might strike.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Lately it’s been a challenge just getting my behind in a chair and stringing words together. There are other things I’m finding time to do, and my writing suffers for it.

What are your current projects?
I’m currently working on book 2 in the Hot Desert Heroes series, as well as plotting out novella ideas for Desiree Holt’s Omega Team Kindle World and Carly Phillips’ Dare to Love Kindle World.

Tell us about your first book. What would readers find different about the first one and your most recent published work?
My very first full-length book was a paranormal written under the pen name Sherrill Quinn. DARING THE MOON was the first in a three-book series with werewolf heroes, published by Kensington. The hero, Ryder Merrick, is tall, dark, handsome and dangerous. He’s also protective of those he loves. So not a lot different from Beck Townsend in IN THE LINE OF FIRE. Except for the fact that Ryder is a werewolf. That’s the obvious major difference. Plus DARING THE MOON starts out in Tucson, Arizona but takes place primarily in the Isles of Scilly off the coast of Cornwall, while IN THE LINE OF FIRE is set wholly in Tucson. (I also have paranormal romances published by Grand Central under the name Cynthia Garner, which are my more recent paranormals.)

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.

Does music play any type of role in your writing?
I usually have the TV on when I’m writing, unless it’s a particularly difficult scene. Then I go to my Pandora Station, usually my Disturbed station. But if I really need to focus, then it’s Light Classical on Music Choice.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your life?
Nope. All figments of my imagination.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
I recently discovered Saranna DeWylde through a paranormal story she’s posting on Wattpad. She has a lot of stuff out there—paranormal and sci fi—both traditionally and self-published.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

In the Line of Fire: Hot Desert Heroes, Book 1 by Jett Munroe

Date of Publication: June 7, 2016


Their passion burns white hot. But danger is heartless and cold.
Hot Desert Heroes, Book 1
Delaney Murphy has had a stomach-fluttering, mouth-watering crush on Beck since the first time she saw him over the rim of her regular morning latte. But she's never been long on self-confidence, especially around exceptionally handsome men.
After a year of avoiding him, she's shocked when he slides into the next chair and wears down her resistance to a first date.
When Laney is laid off from her job, Marines special ops veteran Beck "Gravedigger" Townsend wastes no time hiring the quiet, auburn-haired beauty into Red Eagle Group, his security firm. Keeping her within touching distance—and under his protection.
Laney's smile and sharp intelligence light up Beck's life and heat up his bed, yet he hesitates to give her what she really wants: full access to the darkest corners of his wounded spirit. But when danger is delivered right to Red Eagle's door, the only way to save her—and their love—will be to bleed. Body and soul…
Warning: Adult language and graphic sex scenes between a man locked behind his secrets, and a woman ready to break free of her past. If you think the desert is hot, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

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About Jett Munroe

Jett Munroe lives in the desert Southwest because she got tired of the cold and snow of Northeast Ohio. By day, she's a mostly mild-mannered human resources manager for a nonprofit organization, and by night (and weekends), she writes hot and spicy contemporary romance.
She focused on her writing career starting in 2005, and over the next ten years had several paranormal romances published under the pen names Cynthia Garner and Sherrill Quinn. She loves action movies and chick flicks, reading romance (just about every subgenre!), watching HGTV and the DIY Network, and hates shopping.
In the Line of Fire, the first book in her contemporary series Hot Desert Heroes with Samhain Publishing was released in June 2016.

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