Sunday, April 9, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Review: Target by Aden Lowe

Unwanted Soldiers #1
Aden Lowe


She was only supposed to be a Target—not become my everything.

I'm an Unwanted Soldier—an elite group of former soldiers which takes missions no one can complete, no matter the amount of money offered. I handle specific targets—the impossible ones.

Coming home from a mission in the desert, all I want is sleep. A visitor derails that plan with a file and a new mission: rescue Lauren Johnson from the abusive Presidential Candidate/US Senator Jared Richardson.

Lauren's gray eyes got to me, left me powerless to turn it down. I only take the most remote and dangerous jobs. This one might have the biggest stakes of all—my heart.

I could be the next First Lady! But as the campaign heats up, my fiancé, US Senator Jared Richardson, is under more stress, and he lashes out at me. His staff looks the other way. I can't just leave. My face is everywhere. My family and friends have all been pushed away. And Jared won't let me go, even if I no longer want this.

My new bodyguard, Trick, protected me from Jared, despite the danger to himself from Jared's henchmen. I'm not certain why he's on my side, but he's the only one I have, and I trust him. He helps me remember how things are supposed to be, and what I want from life. He makes me want so much more. If he's willing to take these risks, surely I can have the courage to leave Jared and move on.

If only Trick will move on with me…

Review:                              5 stars

What a pleasant surprise for me, and am so glad this book came my way, not that I do not like reading stories like this one, but to be honest it never crossed my mind, well am glad I came across the book.
Upon his return from the latest mission All trick want to do is rest, but a unexpected visitor derails all his plans.
His newest mission will be to rescue Lauren Johnson from a abusive relationship with none other the Senator Richardson who is a Presidential Candidate and a US Senator.
Coming home from a mission in the desert, all I want is sleep. A visitor derails that plan with a file and a new mission: rescue Lauren Johnson from the abusive Presidential Candidate/US Senator Jared Richardson.
Lauren has attracted me as no other woman has, her picture left me powerless to turn this mission down. And this one might have the highest stakes in it for me.
Lauren could be the next First Lady but as the campaign is starting to heat up her Fiance is under more stress and is lashing out on her. Everyone looks the other way as its not happening. Her face is plastered everywhere, her Family and friends have been pushed away, basically she is alone, with a man who is abusing her.
Will Trick be able to protect her from Jared and his henchman, will he give her up, will he free her, well not telling, read the book, its a beautiful story, full of adventure, taking on subjects that are close to many of us, well worth reading.

I received a copy for my honest review!

Review by Jara

Happy Reading!

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