Saturday, February 4, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Saturday Spotlight w/Giveaway: Starting Over by Erin Cristofoli

Welcome to EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads
Saturday Spotlight!

Today we are spotlighting Erin Cristofoli's 
Starting Over

Enter below for a chance to win a $5.00
 Amazon gift card from Erin Cristofoli

Erin Cristofoli's 
Starting Over!

Left with no option but to leave the only life she has ever known, Katherine White has packed up and moved almost three thousand kilometres for a chance at a new start with a new job in a new city.

When her best friend drags her to a masquerade party on only her second night in town, Kate has a chance encounter with a mysterious masked man that dominates her, pushes her limits and leaves her craving more. He tells her that there is no long-term in their future, but he wants to continue to explore their sexual chemistry. The only trouble is he wants their identities to remain a mystery.

Benjamin Hyde has been burned by love and has vowed never to let another woman stomp on his heart. His days are filled with successful business ventures and his nights with one night stands at the club.

After reluctantly being dragged to a masquerade party by his best friend, Ben is surprised to find a girl that captivates him and doesn’t hesitate to take control.

When his new assistant, Kate, arrives on Monday morning, a glimpse of a tattoo on the back of her neck throws a wrench into his perfectly sorted world. Could Kate really be the woman that Ben had hooked up with?

Ben wants to pursue her, but she is adamant to not mix business and pleasure.

Normally he would quite agree, except when it comes to Kate.

Grab YOUR copy TODAY!

Q & A with Erin Cristofoli about Starting Over!

Tell us about Starting Over. 

Starting over is the sexually enticing story of Ben and Kate. Both have been burned emotionally. Kate wants to start over, focus on her job, while Ben doesn’t believe that happily-ever-after exist. One night at a masquerade party, Kate meets a masked man who takes control and leaves her wanting more. Monday morning Ben realizes his new assistant, Kate, is the same woman he had messed around with at the club. Slowly friendship between them grows, all the while Kate dives into a sexual rollercoaster ride. Will one secret that Ben decides to keep ruin everything?

What initially inspired you to write Starting Over?
It started out as a challenge just to see if I could write one scene that was half decent. I hadn’t really planned to publish.

Tell us little about the characters Starting Over.
Kate has travelled across country to start a new life. She is reserved and worried that she will end up hurt again. Ben is a well-off businessman who has a dominating side. When these two connect, sparks fly.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?
One of the big climaxes. I wanted to make sure I got it right, and it took a very long time to get over the mental blocked I had on it.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
I really enjoyed the first chapter. I loved the initial connection these characters had.

What are your future project(s)?
I recently decided to make this book into a series and so I am now writing book 2!

Now an exciting excerpt from Starting Over!

Well, Sir, I think I should call it quits and head home. As I said, I just moved here and only have tomorrow to get myself settled before I start my new job.”
I stood up and grabbed her hand; I couldn’t let her go just yet. Deciding to give her a little taste of my dominance, I leaned in close. “Dance with me.” It wasn’t a request. I pulled her to the dance floor where a slow, heavy bass beat was playing, almost animalistic. All around us there were couples grinding against each other. “Let’s let loose and have a little fun, Kate,” I murmured in her ear. Sliding my arm around her waist, I pulled her close, her pelvis pressed tight against mine, my hand resting on the small of her back. I felt her shiver and wondered what thought running through her mind had caused it. As I began to move in slow, sensual movements, moving Kate’s hips along with mine, her breath hitched, exciting me to my core.
With just a little coaxing, I was sure I could get her to bend to my every word, or just bend over so I could have my way with her. Unfortunately, the club was not the ideal place for that. I looked down, noticing her eyes were closed. Never had I seen a woman dance so smoothly and so in tune with the beat, and it had me imagining what she would feel like moving underneath me. I pulled her even tighter, wanting her to feel my growing erection against her. She gasped and her eyes fluttered open to a shocked expression.

Author Bio:

Erin was born and raised in Ontario, Canada, where she resides with her husband and two kids. She is a stay-at-home mom and has long dreamed of having a published book of her own. Making It Through is second romance novel. Her first novel, Starting Over, was published in August 2015. When she isn’t writing, Erin​ has a love of most forms of art, especially painting, photography, and crocheting.

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Erin Cristofoli Spotlight Giveaway


  1. The book sounds interesting , thanks.

  2. This sounds like a FANTASTIC read!!! Thank you for the chance!

  3. Yes, I've had a couple situations in my life where I've been forced to start over.
