Wednesday, February 8, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Review: Falling Forever by Victoria Monroe

Falling Forever
Forever #2
Victoria Monroe


Emerson and Ashe's story. . .
Sometimes, everything you thought you'd never want becomes everything you’ll ever need.

Ashe and Emerson crashed into one another like two falling stars destined to collide. . .

Sexy as hell, Ashe Bennett doesn’t tie himself to anything or anyone.

Emerson Parker is beautiful, strong, and determined to keep Ashe away from her heart.

When determination is strong, but flesh is weak, Emerson may be the one chain Ashe refuses to break.

. . .but will their fire explode and burn out? Or will they become one star burning brighter together than they ever did apart.

Review                                5 stars

Emerson and Ashe's story. . .
Sometimes, everything you thought you'd never want becomes everything you’ll ever need.
Ashe has never involved himself with anyone. Emerson is a strong determined woman, and wants nothing more then to keep Ash from her heart.
But these two come together and all determination is gone, the attraction is strong and the sexual tension is hot hot and hotter.
The story is well written and at times funny, funny as watching two people fight and argues and assume what is not there. Will they come together or will they tear each other apart. Read the story it a good one to read and revel in.

I received a copy for my honest review!

Review by Jara

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so very much! I'm thrilled you liked the story! It means so much. :)
