Sunday, July 10, 2016

EskieMama Reads Review: Return to Marker Ranch by Claire McEwen

Return to Marker Ranch 
by Claire McEwen


This is the chance she's been waiting for to prove she can run her family's ranch. And despite her many doubters, Lori Allen knows she's doing a good job. Until the man who once broke her heart--Wade Hoffman--runs her well dry! And it turns out he's got as much to prove as she does. After serving his country, Wade's back to rebuild his family's reputation and win his battle with PTSD.

With so much to lose, neither can afford to give in to temptation. But to succeed they must let go of old heartache and face up to bringing out each other's worst, along with the best. And what doesn't kill them...

Review:                                5 stars

Wade Hoffman and Lori Allen in love through their late teens. Wade's Family were not good news, His sister took him away once he gotten in real trouble in High School, leaving Lori behind with no many kind words. 
Years later Wade returns and walks into Lori's life again. Lori too is fighting something that happened a long time ago, Wade fighting PTSD after returning home and leaving the Army. Both are fighting the attraction and chemistry that is still there. Throughout their courtship and coming closer they both have things to overcome to lead a happy life. Loved the book and how it took me through what both have gone through and managed to sill love one another.

I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review!

Reviewed by Jara

Happy Reading!!!

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