Thursday, May 11, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads New Release Spotlight w/Giveaway: Lady Blackwing by Devorah Fox

Welcome to EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads
New Release!

Today we are spotlighting Devorah Fox's 
New Release
Lady Blackwing!

Enter below for a chance to win Print copy of Masters of Time, 
A SciFi/Fantasy Time Travel Anthology from Devorah Fox!

Devorah Fox's
New Release
Lady Blackwing!

Mercedes is just trying to make her way through life: taking classes, working her shift as a barista, and writing short stories that she never seems to finish. After a minor accident, she finds herself imbued with startling powers. She projects future events and rewrites the past, with disastrous consequences. Her first attempts to use her strange talents incite a zombie attack and bring an Egyptian goddess to life. Stunned by awesome abilities that she can’t seem to control, Mercedes wonders if she’s been cursed. Can she be cured? And if she can’t, what then?

Grab YOUR copy TODAY!

What initially inspired you to write Lady Blackwing?

For some time, I wanted to create a new superhero, a young woman, except I didn’t know what her superpower would be. I wanted her to be other than just a new, more powerful weapon, and someone who would be effective on a personal, “local” level as opposed to battling aliens or would-be world dominators.

Tell us little about the characters in Lady Blackwing.

Mercedes is a young woman who’s doing her best to get a good start on life on her own. She’s diligent about her job, pursues a higher education, and even finds time to exercise (she’s a jogger) and write short stories. She’s soft-hearted; when she sees someone hurting, she’s driven to help, and to right what she thinks is wrong.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?
The horrific video that she sees in Chapter Three was not only painful to write, I had to read that description over and over again through rounds of editing and proofreading. Ugh!

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

I like the zombie apocalypse scene in Chapter Two. I’m not a big zombie fan but this was fun to write.

What are your future project(s)?

I want to write more Lady Blackwing stories. I also have two murder mysteries in progress, a cozy and a police procedural.

Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers about this book/series?

From the beginning, I saw Lady Blackwing as a graphic novel or comic book series, so I plan to explore how to make that happen.

Before she knew it, she had filled three notebook pages. She looked at the pencil which had held its sharp point. “Half the pressure, twice the speed.” No kidding.
She’d gotten the laundry-room scene set. Feverishly, she wrote.
    The zombies lumber in, wizened and wild-eyed, filling the room with the noxious odors of must and mold, damp dirt, decay, and blood.
     They block the doorway, leaving no exit for the sole occupant, a young woman ...

Mercedes paused, picturing the lone woman. She looked a lot like Mercedes except that this Mercedes was taller. Curvier, too, with buff arms and shoulders and legs. Instead of unruly black hair, long shiny auburn hair tumbled in smooth, graceful waves down her back.
     The zombies advance on her, knocking over rolling carts and folding tables.
     Mercedes scours the room with her eyes, searching for something with which to defend herself, a weapon. She could try bonking them on the head with the fire extinguisher but skulls are surprisingly hard to crack.
     She sees a better option. She grabs the portable defibrillator from its wall mount and strips the covers from the adhesive pads. As one zombie after another attacks her, Mercedes holds the pads against the monster’s temples. Without waiting for the “Analyze” function to determine if defibrillating is necessary, she presses the orange “Shock” button. The zombie does a sickening Saint Vitus dance and collapses. Mercedes kicks it aside and attacks the next one.
     One after another, their brains fried, the zombies fall into twitching heaps that stink of burned flesh and putrefaction. Their would-be victim vaults over their bodies, sprints out of the laundry room, and races away to the safety of her apartment.

Mercedes laid down the pencil, panting as if she had actually raced across the complex.

Devorah Fox “What if?” Those two words all too easily send Devorah Fox spinning into flights of fancy. Best-selling author of The Bewildering Adventures of King Bewilliam epic historical fantasy series including “The Redoubt,” voted one of 50 Self-Published Books Worth Reading 2016, and ”The Lost King,” awarded the All Authors Certificate of Excellence. She also wrote “Detour,” ranked in the Top Ten Thrillers in Preditor/Editors Readers’ Choice Poll and “The Zen Detective,” a finalist in the Golden Books Award Contest. She co-authored the contemporary thriller, “Naked Came the Sharks,” with Jed Donellie, contributed to “Masters of Time: a SciFi/Fantasy Time Travel Anthology,” and “Magic Unveiled: An Anthology,” and has several Mystery Mini Short Reads to her name. Born in Brooklyn, New York, she now lives in The Barefoot Palace on the Texas Gulf Coast with rescued tabby cats … and a dragon named Inky. Visit the “Dee-Scoveries” blog at

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  1. Thank you so much. I already have two more Lady Blackwing adventures kicking around in my head.

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for the opportunity! Hope we get to spotlight them!!!

  2. Lady Blackwing looks so good. thanks for the

    1. Enjoy the read, Rachael. Good luck in the giveaway contest.
