Monday, February 6, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads New Release Spotlight w/Giveaway: Promises of Virtue by Randi Perrin

Welcome to EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads
New Release Spotlight!

Please enter below for a chance to win a $5.00 Amazon gift card 
& a ecopy of Promises from Randi Perrin!

Randi Perrin's New Release
and the second book in the Earthbound Angels series
Promises of Virtue!

The last thing she expected was to fall in love, or for it to threaten her entire existence.

Love has never been Cheryl Brigham’s plan. She’s not cut out for second dates, relationships, or happily ever afters. 

All that changes when she’s on vacation in Paris. First dates lead to second dates, which leads to a whole lot more than she ever bargained for—but she knows it's all over when she returns home. That’s okay with her. 

Until it’s not. 

When it’s no-strings-attached, what will Cheryl do when her heart gets tangled up?

Grab YOUR copy TODAY!

Q & A with Randi Perrin about Promises of Virtue!

Tell us about Promises of Virtue.

Promises of Virtue is the second in the Earthbound Angels series. We met Cheryl in the first book (Virtue of Death) and this one picks up right where the last one left off. Cheryl is using her newfound freedom to fly to Paris to check out some famous art she’s only dreamed about seeing in person. What she didn’t expect was to find love in the City of Lights as well, for it to be so easy to fall, and so damn hard to keep.

What initially inspired you to write Promises of Virtue?

When writing Virtue of Death I completely stalled out at 37,000 words, so I started giving some serious thought to writing both girls a novella, and then I’d smush them together to make it publishable length. 

I finally bust through the writer’s block and got Virtue long enough on its own. Still, Cheryl wanted her story told—as did countless people who reviewed Virtue. 

Cheryl is such a fun character to write. Plus, let’s be honest, she deserved a happily ever after, despite her reservations about it.

Tell us little about the characters Promises of Virtue.

Promises is dual-POV, told between Cheryl and Luc, a French painter she encounters while in Paris. 

Cheryl’s snarky and fun, though she’s wrestling a bit with who she is in this book. Now that isn’t shackled to rules the way she once was, her father, or able to hide under her goth eye makeup (because she just can’t find eye makeup to match her now-gray eyes), she starts second-guessing everything she was so sure about before. She’s not a weaker character, just a little more unsure of where she stands in the world.

Luc is a French painter who is devastatingly hot, no-nonsense, and knows he wants Cheryl in his bed the moment he meets her. He’s had a tumultuous past when it comes to relationships, so he keeps her at a distance, but she has a way of breaking down every barrier he’s got, and he just has no idea how to react to that.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

I turned Cheryl on her head a bit with this book. She’s still snarky as all get out (there’s an entire moment where she tries to figure out an acronym of a store and tries to convince the person she’s with that she’s not allowed in—it’s so silly, but no one else but Cheryl would find humor in something so ridiculous) but in this book, both the reader and Cheryl are finding out things about her that even she’s surprised by. There are some things regarding her parents, and the change she went through in Virtue, that rattle her a bit more than she expected. For example, she’s incredibly deep and thought-provoking when it comes to art and she even points out that she’s never voiced her thoughts about art out loud like that. There’s so much more to Cheryl than one might expect. So the challenge was to take the reader on this journey to make her so much more dimensional, but at the same time, maintaining the character she’s always been. 

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

The chapter that takes place at Château de Chenonceau. That particular castle is my favorite in the Loire Valley of France, so when I wrote this book, I knew Cheryl had to make it there somehow, and I knew whatever happened there had to be special. The scene of them in the ballroom is my favorite, but I also love the conversation they have outside afterward.

What are your future project(s)?

I have three releases coming this spring and summer. I have a story, “Boston Crème Breakdown” included in the romance anthology Food and Romance Go Together from Satin Romance. Also coming from Satin Romance will be two novellas: Mi Amor, which is a story of second chances, and Anticipating Temptation which is one of my favorites to date.

I’ve got to get the third in the Earthbound Angels series (I’m soooooo close), and part of the reason it’s taking me so long is because I took a break from my angels to write a romantic comedy that I swore I wouldn’t write until the angels were done. Darn muse has a mind of her own sometimes.

Follow me on Twitter ( or Facebook ( to keep up with the latest news.

Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers about this book/series?

Promises is the second in the Earthbound Angels series. There will be one more. It took me a long time to determine whose story was going to get told to tie up the series, but I’m loving where it ended up.

Now an exciting excerpt from Promises of Virtue!

He placed his hands on her shoulders so she’d stop moving and laid his lips on her cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yep, tomorrow.” She flashed him a smile, and then she popped her earphones into her ears and took off at a light jog up to the Jardin des Tuileries.

She jogged around the outside edge of the gardens, taking in the beauty of her surroundings. The music on her phone stopped when she finished a lap. Realizing she’d neglected to charge it, she sighed deeply; runs without music were more work than those with it. Heck, she had purchased an awesome charger that would work in any outlet around the world, so she had no excuse.

Returning the phone back to the pocket of her running skirt, she turned to head back to her apartment when a pair of broad shoulders caught her attention. A tall, blond, and stunningly gorgeous runner went by. Finding herself drawn to him, her trip to the apartment was forgotten, as was the cute guy who just asked her out for the following day. Despite the fact that she had no tunes, she took off and followed him around the gardens, putting off her trip to the Louvre a little bit longer. After all, that ass was a fine piece of art in and of itself.

Author Bio:

Randi has spent her entire life writing in one form or another. In fact, if she wasn't writing, she'd likely go completely and utterly insane. Her husband has learned to recognize when the voices are talking in her head and she needs some quality time with an empty Word file (the key to a successful marriage with a writer).

She lives with her husband, daughter, and four-legged children (all of which think they are people too).   

A pop culture junkie, she has been known to have entire conversations in movie quotes and/or song lyrics.

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  1. Yes, I absolutely believe in angels! Thanks for hosting and for the giveaway! :)

  2. No, I do not believe in angels. Thanks for hosting!
