Thursday, February 2, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads New Release Spotlight w/Giveaway: Hard Rock Fling by Athena Wright

Welcome to EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads
New Release Spotlight

Today we are spotlighting Athena Wright's 
New Release
Hard Rock Fling

Enter below for a chance to win 2 books in the
 new Darkest Days series (ecopy) (one winner) or 4 books in the completed 
Feral Silence series (ecopy) (one winner)

Athena Wright's New Release
Second book in the Darkest Days series
Hard Rock Fling

It's just a fling. Rock stars like Ian are known for breaking hearts. I'm not going to let him break mine.

Ian Drake, one of the genius twin guitarists of Darkest Days, is known for his brilliant green eyes, his sly grins, and his mischievous flirting.

I shouldn't take him seriously when he flirts with me. But there's something about the way he looks at me. Like I'm the only one who sees past his cheery facade. Like I'm the only one who really sees him.

Ian says I'm special. He says I'm not like the others. He showers me with pretty words, just as he fills me with naughty desires. 

Everyone knows rock stars like Ian don't do commitments. This is just physical. Just fun. I'm going in with my eyes wide open. 

Because there's a secret he's not telling me. And why would he? We're just having a fling.

I told myself I wouldn't let Ian break my heart.

But I'm dangerously close to falling for a playboy rock star.

Grab YOUR copy TODAY!

Q & A with Athena Wright about Hard Rock Fling!

Tell us about Hard Rock Fling.

Hard Rock Fling is the 2nd book in my Darkest Days Rock Star Romance series, but it can be read as a standalone with a HEA. 

What initially inspired you to write Hard Rock Fling?

I have a bit of an obsession with rock stars and musicians. I always secretly dreamed I’d meet one of my favorite guitarists and snag him for myself. I am the ultimate fangirl. That’s why I love to write about rock stars and the girls who tame their wild hearts.

Tell us little about the characters Hard Rock Fling.

Hard Rock Fling features Ian Drake, one of Darkest Days’ genius twin guitarists, and Hope Briars, an intern in the music industry and the one girl who can tell Ian apart from his twin.

Ian is known for using his charm to get his way, but he thinks Hope is special and not like the others. Hope is determined to not fall for Ian’s pretty words. Hope and Ian start up a “fling” with the agreement that there will be no strings and no commitments. Of course, we can all guess what happens. ;)

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

I touch on a sensitive subject in this book - self harm. It’s an issue that’s very close to my heart, and I very much wanted to do it justice. I’ve been so happy at the feedback from my readers telling how much they appreciate my handling of the issue.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? 

Weirdly enough, although I always say I hate writing poetry, writing the lyrics that Ian sings to Hope was a lot of fun. Or maybe fun isn’t the right word. Maybe it’s closer to satisfying. When I finally found the right words to express Ian’s feelings, and managed to make them fit together and sound fluid, I felt a sense of accomplishment.

What are your future project(s)?

Right now I’m working on Darkest Days book 3, featuring the wild, playboy and sometimes obnoxious bassist Cameron Thorne.

Is there anything else you would like to tell the readers about this book/series?

I do want to stress again that this book contained mentions of self harm, so if any readers are sensitive to that, I recommend they skip it. The books are all standalones, so you’ll be able to read book #1 and book #3 without missing anything.

Now an exciting excerpt from Hard Rock Fling!

The light smudge of black rimming his eyes was doing something to my insides. Guys shouldn't be hotter in eyeliner than girls. It wasn't fair. Ian caught me staring. He ran one finger along my neck, black nail polish smooth and gleaming. 

"I like that look on you."

"What look?"

"Like you want to eat me alive."

I flushed. I couldn't exactly deny it.

I'd told myself to forget about it and move on. I'd gotten laid. It was out of my system. One guy shouldn't still have so much power over me.

My body disagreed.

"Can we do it again?" I blurted. I wanted to bury my face in my hands, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. But I couldn't take it back. All that sexting, all that teasing, all that leather and eyeliner, had done me in. I had no more willpower left.

"Do what again?"

Ian's eyes glinted with mischief. He knew exactly what I meant, but he was going to make me say it. I steeled myself, speaking the words in one long breath.

"I know better than to expect any sort of commitment from you and you rarely sleep with the same girl twice but I don't want us to be a one night stand." I held my breath for his response, expecting annoyance or exasperation.

Instead, Ian gave me a wicked grin. "I know, right? That night at the party was fucking awesome. I definitely need more of your magical puss—"

"Stop!" I clapped a hand over his mouth.

"I'm just saying." The words were muffled against my palm. "The sex was too good for it to be a one time thing."

I lowered my hand. "So you're saying you want to do it again?"

"And again and again and again." Ian snickered at my blush.

"So what is this, then?" I asked. I wasn't naive. I knew I could never expect a real relationship with Ian, no matter how mind-blowing the sex was. That wasn't how it worked with rock stars like him.

He glanced away from me for a moment, as if he were thinking. Then he flicked his eyes up to mine. "Friends with benefits?"

"That implies you'll be sleeping with other people at the same time and—" I squirmed, "—I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that."

Ian tilted his head, considering me. "What about a fling?"

"A fling?"

"Yeah. We have sex a couple more times, get it out of our systems. We have our fun like mature adults, then go our separate ways. Call it a brief love affair."

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest at his use of the L word. Again.

"You can make all your friends jealous." Ian's eyes sparkled, like he was getting excited on my behalf. "A short, whirlwind romance with a rock star."

I knew better than to ask for anything long term, but I didn't want this to be over. Not yet. "A fling, you said?"

"Nothing wrong with a fling, right?" He trailed his fingers along my collarbone to the swell of my breasts. "Maybe I should wear leather and eyeliner all the time, if it gets you this worked up."

I squirmed, unable to look away from those burning eyes.

"Now you know how I feel when you walk around in those sexy little skirts of yours." Ian's lips curved up at the corners. His eyes narrowed into a seductive gaze.

That was when I knew. I knew I was in trouble.

This man had the power to break my heart, and I was practically ripping open my chest and offering it to him.

I was so going to regret this.

But I didn't have it in me to resist.

Author Bio:

Athena Wright is an author of New Adult and Rock Star Romance. She writes about bad boy rock stars and the girls who tame their wild hearts. Athena loves to write characters who are not always what they seem.
Social Links:

Athena Wright Spotlight Giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad to have learned about this author. Stories with "characters who are not always what they seem" will almost always get my attention!

    Thank you,
