Monday, July 25, 2016

Virtual Tour w/Giveaway: To Win a Scoundrel's Heart by Kristen McLean

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The Lords of Whitehall #2
Kristen McLean
Releasing July 19th, 2016
Young Ink Press

When her husband’s death is ruled a suicide, Lady Dumonte suspects foul play. However, finding the truth seems impossible after every investigator in Paris turns up empty-handed. Now she is forced to seek help from Lord Pembridge, a feckless libertine.

Although the pain of loss is a constant reminder of why she must hide her heart, this carefree scoundrel threatens to break past her defenses. He could uncover the truth regarding her husband’s death, but is learning the truth worth risking her heart?

Lord Pembridge has wealth, angelic good looks, and a sunny disposition. None would guess the dark secret blackening his past or the grudge controlling his future. It was the reason he could never have a family of his own, a fate he had accepted until he was forced to play detective for the one woman who could tempt him.


“You, m’dear girl,” he murmured, “are old enough to know better than to tempt a scoundrel.”
“I know what I am doing,” she spouted back indignantly. “I am not a child.”
“No,” he agreed easily. “You are certainly not a child.”
“Then I would expect you not to treat me like one.” Her eyes flashed, giving him a teasing glimpse of passion.
Lady Dumonte possessed passion?
Another surprise.
“Of course not.” He frowned in mock seriousness. “How should I treat you? As a lady or a mistress?”
“As a woman,” she ground out. “I am a woman!” Her lips pursed together as she glared up at him.
He smiled broadly; he couldn’t help himself.
“Ah, yes,” he agreed, looking her over as though he had only just noticed. “I believe you are.”
She took in a deep breath, pushing her breasts against the tight fabric of her bodice.
His cock jumped to attention.
“I was wrong about not liking you. I hate you!”
“And yet,” he mused with a knit brow, “you throw yourself at me like all the others. You are either in denial of your overwhelming attraction to me or a glutton for punishment. For my own complacency, I choose the former.”
Céleste shook her head slowly, her eyes narrowed and seething with anger.
“Regardless,” he continued frankly at his own peril, “you had better run along, or you may find your offer accepted, and we both know you never expected that. Your bluff has been called, Lady Dumonte. Go on home like a good girl.”
“I never bluff.”
“Never say never, m’dear,” he murmured with a purposefully wicked smile.

Q & A with Kristen McLean

What books/authors have influenced your writing? 
Kathryn Smith, Loretta Chase, and Sophie Jordan are my favorite authors. They inspired me to write, and have certainly influenced the way I weave a story.

Have you ever had one character you wanted to go one way with but after the book was done the character was totally different?I try to have my characters pretty well figured out before I begin writing their story, but every once in a while one will surprise me. I never see it until the book is finished and I read through it.

What’s your next project?
Desperate Dukes will be my next project, and I am very excited about it. I already have two of the books in the series started.
What was your favorite part of the book?
It’s difficult to pick just one. I think my most favorite part was the chase toward the end. That’s the best answer I have without giving anything away. 

If you could write in another genre what would it be & why?
I adore historical romance, but if I had to pick another genre to write in I suppose it would be paranormal or fantasy. The possibilities with those genres are endless.

Your favorite book by you or another author.
The Captive Prince series by C.S. Pacat is my favorite. It isn’t in my genre, but holy cow that story blew me away.

Clean shaven, Scruff, beard, or mustache. Ink yay or nay?
Ooh, I like clean-shaven and I like some scruff, but the beard thing is too much for me, and unless the man in question is Clark Gable or Errol Flynn, a mustache by itself is a no-go. Ink doesn’t bother me as long as there isn’t too much of it. Everything in moderation. Except chocolate, wine, and books, of course.

Kristen has always had a love of novels, with a special place in her heart for historical romance. After reading enough of them to fill a rather impressive library, she decided to write her own. Now she has the pleasure of writing at home, tucked away in a forest with her husband, two children and her cat. Her husband is loving, and impressively patient, her two beautiful children strive to embarrass and exhaust her, and her cat hates everyone, but tolerates—well, she tolerates whoever will feed her.

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