Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Release Day Launch w/Giveaway: Just One Spark by Jami Wagner


Today we have the release day for JUST ONE SPARK by Jami Wagner! Grab your copy and enter Jami’s fantastic giveaway!

Just One Spark

Title: Just One Spark

Author: Jami Wagner

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Just One Spark:

All Beth Moyer wanted was a one-night stand, an evening to relax and cut loose before she went to work at her new grown-up job. Instead, all she got was a few minutes that left her mortified and another reason why you can never trust a man. Maverick Mitchell is ready to prove he’s learned from his mistakes and move forward. But before it’s time to buckle down, one last fling won’t hurt. Or so he thought. On the first day of his new start, the feisty redhead he met over the weekend is the first person he sees. An office romance isn’t the smartest idea. Sneaking around is an even worse one, but neither can deny the fire that has sparked between them. Considering Beth and Maverick are competing for the same position and only one will be offered the job, they can only hope that every choice they’ve made doesn’t end up in flames.

Get Your Copy Today:

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Catch Up On The Series:

Just One Kiss

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Just One Night

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Just One Touch

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Just One Moment

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Exclusive Excerpt:

With my job and with Beth. I’m not exactly sure how I got to be this lucky. I was making some poor choices and someone somewhere should have made me suffer a little longer while I learned from my mistakes. And who knows, maybe risking my job to be with Beth is what’s going to bite me in the ass, but it’s worth it. She’s worth it. The early morning sun is just peeking through the blinds. The small ray falls across Beth’s bare back where I find myself tracing her skin with my free hand until she stirs awake. “Somehow, you’re the only person who can wake me before seven thirty and I don’t want to bite your head off,” she mumbles, her face in the pillow. “That’s because I have a much better peace offering in the morning than everyone else,” I say. “Plus I have another idea for those handcuffs we used last night.” My heart about stopped when we got back to my place after the barbeque and she pulled them out of her purse. This wonderful woman is just full of surprises and she’s all mine. “And what’s that?” she asks. With the same hand that was caressing her skin, I tickle my fingers down her back and over her ass. She moans, her body stretching into mine as she inches closer to me. She’s still naked from last night, which is working out to my advantage right now. When my hand is splaying over her right cheek, I move in one swift motion to position myself on top of her. She gasps with excitement, a wide smile peering up at me. I nudge her legs apart with my knee and settle myself between them. Her back bows and her hands grip the sheets as I kiss my way down the front of her body. Her taste will never get old. Each time is like the first time. I can’t get enough. I want more. I need more. I take my time, reveling in the way her delicate and soft skin feels under my touch. I heard somewhere that redheads are supposed to have freckles almost everywhere, but Beth is different. Her freckles appear in small groups. Like the three under her left ear, the four that fall into the shape of diamond right between her breasts and the many that scatter just over her right hipbone. She has more, but they are light and hardly noticeable. The everyday person wouldn’t notice, but to me, each one is like a piece of art I want to memorize on her body. “It’s not called a peace offering if you’re just going to tease me, Maverick,” she says with a raspy voice. Her hands trail up my arms to my chest and then around my neck as she slides her fingers into my hair, pulling me down to her. Her lips are soft when she kisses me, but once she slips her tongue into my mouth, my body responds immediately.    

About Jami:

Jami Wagner Author Photo JAMI WAGNER was born in Wyoming. Still living in the Cowboy State, Jami and her husband are currently writing their own love story with their yellow Lab. Jami enjoys writing New Adult and published her debut novella, Date in the Dark, in 2015. Her first full-length novel, Just One Kiss, was published in October 2015 and is the first book in her Black Alcove series. The next three in the series, Just One Night, Just One Touch, and Just One Moment are available now. Visit and connect with Jami at, on Facebook at, on Twitter at @Jami_Wagner, or on Instagram at @JAMIWAGNER_.

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Enter Jami’s Giveaway: a Rafflecopter giveaway

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