Saturday, April 15, 2017

Blog Tour w/Giveaway: Running by Amanda Kay

Title: Running
Series: The Dark Woods Tales #1
Author: Amanda Kay
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy F/F Romance
Published: April 11, 2017

We've all heard the stories. The childhood tales forever imbedded in our minds. Tezzi is no different. She would sit in bed night after night as her mother told her of the trolls.

The tales of the Dark Woods are keeping her up at night. And she dreams of a lush dark place only in fairy tales. Her heart pounds and her feet want to take flight. She feels her mind running.

Running towards a fantasy, running towards adventure, running towards something she's only dreamed about.

Running Excerpt © Amanda Kay 2017

Kea didn't speak when I finished that part of my mom's story, but I saw the tears welling up in her eyes. I covered her hand with mine, "Are you okay?"
"Was Randi lying?"
"About loving my mom? No. My mom never doubted her love, but everything else, my mom questions until this day.”
Kea sighed, "That's understandable, from what you've told me so far."
I nodded, "Yeah, I wish I could find answers for her."
She squeezed my hand. "You will. We will." The words rolled off her tongue like a vow.
"I hope so," I whispered.
After we returned to the campsite, we did our usual routine.
Food, showers, and then crawling into our tent, ignoring the stuff Mya and crew were spewing our way. "Goodnight, Tezzi." Kea yawned and I followed her lead.
"Goodnight, Kea."
Closing my eyes, I fell asleep quickly. My body and mind exhausted from the days I had been having. Actually, telling my mom's story to someone who wasn't judging us and being in Vlukens Grove caused my heightened excitement and anxiety.
"Mommy, if you loved Randi, why did you marry daddy?" She sighed and stroked my hair.
"It was a means to an end." I looked at her confused. I didn't know what that meant.
"Did you love him?" I asked her with wide eyes.
"For a time, baby girl."
"Are you happy alone?"
She looked down at me and kissed my forehead, "I'm not alone. I have you."
I threw my arms around her, "I love you, mommy."
"I love you so very much, baby," she whispered, hugging me back. "Now lay down and I'll tell you more of the story."
I snuggled close to her, waiting for more. "Ready, mommy."
"I went back to that spot, day after day, hoping to catch one glimpse of Randi with the trolls, but I never saw anything more. I felt lost, like I was losing everything, until one day…"
I hated when she paused, I needed to know. I wanted to know. "Tell me. Tell me." I bounced excitedly.
"Calm down, Tezzi," she warned gently. "The flames shot up just as the sun began to set. They danced around and chanted much like that first time, but then I saw her. I saw Randi. Their chants grew to praise as they all bowed. I tried to change my position and in doing so, I stepped on a stick, cracking it in the process." I gasped. "Her eyes met mine and with a wave of her finger, she sent the trolls charging at me."
"What did you do?"
"I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I ran until I couldn't run anymore. I tripped and felt something touch me, but I crawled away until I could get onto my feet again."
"More, mommy," I begged, knowing it was late and she was going to stop.
She kissed my forehead, "Tomorrow, my sweet Tezzi."
I am a Paranormal/Fantasy Adult and YA Romance Author
(M/F, F/F, & F/F/M stories)

I am a Florida girl at heart, but since getting married I have lived in Washington, South Carolina, and our latest move Connecticut. I hold a B.A. in Multimedia Journalism with a minor in Political Science from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida.

Writing is something I love and since I am blessed to be a stay at home mom I thought I would try my hand at getting the stories in my head out and see how far I could go. I tried a few years ago to go through a Literary Agency, but it went nowhere. The self-publishing market was just starting to get hot so I self-published two books mainly for family and friends. I then discovered the world of New Adult. I wanted to stick with my paranormal roots and began thinking up story ideas that took on not only a paranormal element, but a fantasy element as well.

So, that is me in a nutshell. I am a little crazy and simple and I love my life and my family.

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