Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blog Tour: Grimm Remains by Eli Celata

Grimm remains.jpg Blog Tour ~ Grimm Remains Author: Eli Celata Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Dates: 11th – 21st of April Hosted by: Ultimate Fantasy Book Tours
Blurb: Sometimes the fairy tale's end is just the Grimm beginning. Mammon’s summoning turned Rochester into a beacon for the denizens of Hell. As demon activity increases, Jon settles in for a new academic year, and Jordan moves in as the city’s protector. Unfortunately, the young warlock of Rochester might not be around long if the Devil’s marine legion has a say. Havfine, demonic mermaids, don’t often leave deep lakes and ocean waters. They’re better known for drowning mortal sailors than hunting magic users, but something has sent them upstream from Lake Ontario. When three orphans vanish from a magical sanctuary in Toronto, their caretaker – the Wizard Monday – dredges up a part of Jordan’s and Jon’s father’s history that Jordan would have rather forgotten. In this race against the Bane of Hamelin, more than three souls may be on the line.

SC Author Bio: 
 Eli Celata was born in Rochester and is currently attending Binghamton University as a doctoral student. Author’s Social Media Links: Twitter: @Celata_E Website: elicelata.wordpress.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/EliCelata/Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Eli-Celata/e/B01J6S0AY2 ufb-banner-2017

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