Thursday, May 5, 2016

Release Day Blitz: Marriage to a Mister by Deanne Cherry

Title: Marriage to a Mister
Series: Daughters of Regency #1
Author: DeAnne Cherry
Release Date: May 5, 2016
Lady Fleur Osborne knows several things to be true: her father would likely continue to turn away every suitor at the door, her sister could very well end up unmatched by fault of her clever mouth alone, and that Fleur herself is perfectly happy to say goodbye to the marriage mart and devote her days to caring for her father and his estate.
But fate, it would seem, has little care for Fleur’s wishes, and its plans are made known by way of two matchmaking fathers, a Viscount's unexpected proposal, and a murderous flowerpot that thwarts their carefully laid schemes.
Evan Woolf has been content to stay away from the ton and its mischief, happily sequestered in his dusty library with his work, the choice in no way due to the chance of seeing Lady Fleur again. It has been too long since he has seen her, and the pain between them has deepened the chasm to bounds impassable.
But when the two collide in a scandal the likes of which only France could provide, Evan finds himself given a second chance, and it’s one he won’t squander. And in the end, the flower and the wolf may find themselves in love once again, against all odds, and with a match made forever.
When DeAnne was a little girl she didn’t want to be a doctor, an astronaut or a firewoman, and she definitely didn’t want to be a writer. She was going to be an Egyptologist, and that was that.
One day, while working as a library aide at her middle school, DeAnne picked up a beat up old book called The Reluctant God by Pamela F. Service, mostly because the cover had a young modern girl with flaming red hair leaning over a mummy in a sarcophagus. The story wasn’t a piece of literary mastery by any stretch, but it did have a time traveling Egyptian prince, and a plucky strong willed girl who both come together to solve the mystery and save the day. That was enough to have DeAnne grabbing every book within reach ever since.
Her reading taste may have expanded from fantasy, but it never wandered into the realm of romance until one day her mother handed her a historical romance novel to read while she was on bed rest with her twins. DeAnne scoffed, surely her mother didn’t expect her to read such ridiculous fluff, but she was quickly running out of things to read so she read it and something unexpected happened. She loved it, and she never looked back.
Born and raised in a tiny town in Oklahoma, DeAnne is married to her best friend Randy and has four beautiful and equally mischievous children. She works days with her husband at their graphic design studio and at night she writes love stories. A far cry from being an Egyptologist, but a better life she couldn’t imagine.

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