Sunday, April 16, 2017

EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads Sunday Spotlight: Sans Espoir by Kimelene Carr

Welcome to EskieMama & Dragon Lady Reads
Sunday Spotlight!

Today we are spotlighting Kimelene Carr's
Sans Espoir!

Six persons of uncommon backgrounds are about to be seamed together by a common thread. Circumstance has led each individual on a journey. And though each began on a different route, mapped out by their individual lives, they are now arriving at the same destination and the lesson will soon be learnt that sequential actions can precipitate untold tragedy and the decision of one, can change the lives of others.

Grab YOUR copy TODAY!

Q & A with Kimlene Carr about Sans Espoir!

Tell us about Sans Espoir. 

Sans Espoir is a West Indian Drama. It’s a story that follows the journey of six persons to a common destination leading up to a dramatic climax. 

What initially inspired you to write Sans​ Espoir? 

Initially it was thought up by my husband who woke up one afternoon with a great idea for a story. I took notes as he related the sequence of events and started building characters. As I was writing and plotting, a very dear friend was tragically killed and I was inspired by his memory to pen the personality and circumstance of one of the main characters in Sans Espoir. As to using a West Indian setting, I thought that my debut novel should showcase the culture of my country. In doing that, I decided to highlight an aspect of Trinidad culture that sometimes is unappreciated (even by Trinidadians), our unique language. 

Tell us little about the characters ​ in Sans Espoir. 

Each character, whilst fictitious, still holds a measure of similarities to persons I know or have come into contact with over the years. Meet the characters: 

BIANCA: A young, single mother whose monotonous life is about to be impacted by the charms of a handsome stranger. 

TREVOR: A country boy to his heart. His unpretentious charm will captivate the hearts of readers and maybe someone else?

 JEFFERY: Marred by a childhood tragedy that shaped his personal and moral convictions, he struggles to stick by them and retain some measure of sanity. 

SANDRA: The loss of one child has led to her hatred of a system which seems to be against poor persons. In a time of crisis, can she now trust the very same institution that was responsible for the death of her first baby? 

SHELDON: He always wanted to be a hero. Could his obsession lead to transgression? 

TANTY: An old woman's belief and faith in a place she had been coming to and relied on for years, is about to diminish.

What was the hardest part of writing this book? 

The hardest part was probably having to re live the tragedy that befell my friend whom I had mention earlier when writing the character that was inspired by him. 

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? 

My favourite part is when Bianca meets Trevor. Why? I’m a romantic! I adore a love story! 

What are your future project(s)? 

At the moment I’m in the process of publishing a collection of poems titled “Blank Canvas” and also “Surreal” which was previewed at the end of Sans Espoir.

Author Bio:

Kimelene Carr was born and currently lives in Trinidad. Sans Espoir is her first published book. Apart from writing, she also enjoys reading (especially history books and the works of Lord Byron), collecting pins of abandoned places and listening to Bon Jovi. At present, she lives in the town of Arouca with her husband Pablo and their three daughters: Chela, Chloe and Emmily. As a child growing up. Kimelene Carr wanted to be a doctor. However, at the age of 14, her then English A teacher at B.A.H.S, Mrs. Paddington, made her aware of her gift for writing. She had always loved writing short stories and poems, but she had never realized her natural ability until it was awakened by her teacher. However she didn't pursue a career in writing until 2013, when she began freelance writing through various consulting agencies. Sans Espoir is her debut novel. Readers can look out for more books from Kimelene Carr by the end of 2017.

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