Thursday, May 5, 2016

Virtual Tour w/Giveaway: Something More Than This by Barbie Bohrman

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Barbie Bohrman
Releasing April 26th, 2016
Montlake Romance

Katy Lewis has it all: a sports reporting job she loves, a great roommate, and two brothers who, while nosy, always have her back. But when Conner Roberts, Katy’s unrequited first crush, suddenly shows up—and shows interest—after nine years, she reverts to a sweaty, panicked sixteen-year-old once more.

And if trying to read Conner’s signals isn’t tough enough, Katy’s heart is sending some mixed messages of its own. When a beautiful blonde coworker starts pursuing Katy’s boss, Dylan Sterling—her longtime mentor and friend—she realizes she may have a problem with that. A reunion with Conner is what she’s dreamed of for so long…so why can’t she stop thinking about Dylan?

For the first time ever, Katy must fact-check her heart. Should she go after the guy she thought she always wanted or see if there’s something more with the one who’s been there all along?


There are a few other patrons here and there, which is the norm for a Friday night. I coast over every male customer until my eyes stop on one particular guy . . . no, that’s not right . . . a man. A very good-looking, fully grown-to-perfection Conner with his gorgeous hazel eyes staring right back at me. The corners of his mouth tip up in a warm, inviting smile when he recognizes me.
My feet are stuck to the floor, but that’s of no consequence, since he stands up from his bar stool and looks like he’s going to walk over to me. I watch in rapt attention as he puts his beer bottle on the bar, then wipes his hands on his jeans. When he does this, his biceps flex underneath his plain white T-shirt, hinting at the muscular body that has developed really well since we last saw each other. His wavy brown hair, which seems lighter than what I remember, looks like it needs a trim from the way the ends flip up a little. Then again, it always seemed as if it needed a trim, but that look always worked for him.
When Conner is finally standing within arm’s reach, I almost don’t believe that it’s really him. But when that smile turns into the very familiar smirk from my past that I came to love and know well, there’s no doubt it is.
“Katy,” he says.
He hesitates for a moment before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around me in a big hug. As I bring my arms up to reciprocate, he tilts his head a fraction so he can place a friendly, quick kiss on my cheek. My eyes close when I feel him squeezing me tighter, like he doesn’t want to let me go. Or maybe it’s just my overactive imagination where he’s concerned.
That’s when I hear him say in a low voice, “It’s been too long, Shadow.”

And just like that, I’m transported to that day on the playground so many years ago when we first met.

Q & A with Barbie Bohrman

What books/authors have influenced your writing? 

I'd say the most influential would be Helen Fielding's, "Bridget Jones Diary." I loved the sharp wit and keen observations Bridget made throughout the story and how unfiltered a character she was. 

I love a good swoon-worthy book that has just enough romance and laugh out loud moments. To that end, there are a couple of other books that I re-read ALL the time, since they released, that for some reason or another, I fall back on whenever I'm in a writing or reading funk: Blue-Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas and Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren.

Tell us something you hate doing. Why? 

As far as every day, "something I hate doing," I would have to say cleaning and laundry. I mean, who doesn't? As far as writing, "something I hate doing," I would have to say outlining. It can be stressful sometimes since I may have the beginning and ending clearly in my head for a book. But the middle part can be a little difficult to plot out evenly on paper before I actually start writing the story.

 Share a funny incident in your life. 

I once dated a guy longer than necessary so that he could keep taking me to Miami Dolphins football games while they were in the playoff hunt a looong time ago.

What's your pet peeve? 

I'm the first to admit that I have a bit of OCD when it comes to order and keeping things neat as much as possible. It drives my husband and kids a little crazy, but that's just the way I am. So, it drives ME crazy when things are out of place.
 When you are in writer mode, music or no music? If music do you have a playlist. 

No music. Furthermore, no tv, no kids or husband around, nothing...just white noise. I get distracted too easily. So I lock myself up in my office without any possibility of distractions happening.
 What's your next project? 

I'm currently writing a self pub, The Divorcee...and working on the two spinoffs to Something More Than This.
 What's the one thing, you can't live without? 

My iPhone and my daily Starbucks coffee.

 What is your favorite movie (song)? 

Favorite movie is a three-way tie: Godfather Part 2, The Departed, and Goodfellas. I honestly cannot pick one over the other anymore, so I always answer this question like this since it makes me feel less guilty for choosing one. Favorite song of all time is What Do All The People Know by The Monroes.

What's your favorite TV show of all time and why? 

Lost. I don't even know where to start on my adoration and obsession with Lost. The character development, the writing, the story lines that interconnected, the suspense, the romance, the every little thing that ever happened on that show makes it the best on television and nothing will come close for me to ever stop thinking Lost is the greatest TV show of all time.

 Clean shaven, Scruff, beard, or mustache.

Scruff...OMG, yes, yes, yes, SCRUFF!!!!

4 Stars

Usually I try & stay away from love triangle books but since this book was by Barbie Bohrman & I really liked Starting Over I thought I would give this book a shot, & it sure didn't disappoint.   From the start I was Team Dylan, even though I kept yelling at him come on Dylan tell her how you feel, (yes I am one of those readers who yells at the characters) but being the typical man he keeps his feelings to himself.  I could just feel the turmoil Katy was going through when Conner walked back into her life, but once again I was yelling at her NO NO NO he had his chance & blew it.  I just feel in love with Mimi, one of Katy's best friends, some of the things that came out of her mouth had me laughing & saying OMG she did not just say that, & when her mystery man was discovered I just had a feeling it was him. (Lips are locked on who that was).  I hope Barbie gives Mimi, Simon & Johnathon their own book it would be nice to revisit all them.  Thank you to Tasty Book Tours for giving me the opportunity to read & review Something More Than This!

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Barbie Bohrman dreamed of becoming an author. Long after she had given up, a book club’s prologue contest encouraged her to give it one more go. What emerged were the beginnings of her debut novel, Promise Me. Now she’s living her dream and writing stories that entice readers to escape and break away from reality. When she’s not writing, you can find her trying to get through the books on her Kindle (more than a thousand at last count) or watching Sherlock or Homeland. She resides in New Jersey with her husband and two children.

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1 comment:

  1. Lovely review! Thank you for hosting SOMETHING MORE THAN THIS today!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours
