Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Book Blast w/Giveaway: The Suffragette Takes a Husband by Linda Gilman

THE SUFFRAGETTE TAKES A HUSBAND by Linda Gilman is a witty, playful, fun tale of two opposites attracting in a time and place where the lives of men and women couldn’t be more different. In this second book by humorous historical romance author, Linda Gilman, a proud Pinkerton tangles with one stubborn Suffragette. Parker Reams, wants revenge. Callidora Truworthy, wants independence. In this battle of the sexes it comes down to one thing: does a fake engagement have any hope of becoming a real relationship?

Join Linda Gilman and the Killion Group as we celebrate the release of The Suffragette Takes a Husband with this 13 stop Book Blast from April 18th to the 22nd. Included in this book blast is exclusive content, a spotlight of the book, reviews, guest post, an interview, and a giveaway. One GRAND PRIZE WINNER will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and a SIGNED copy of The Courtship of Utopia Miner!

Title: The Suffragette Takes a Husband
Author: Linda Gilman
Series: The Gold Rush Brides Series #1
Genre: Western Romance
Release Date: April 19th, 2016
Publisher: Golden Pen Publishing
Print Length: 227 pages
Format: Paperback and Digital
Print ISBN: 9781523717224

Digital ISBN: 1523717224

Pinkerton agent, Parker Reams, is stuck in Nebraska without a horse, and he’s flat broke. Parker is prepared to stow away in a boxcar headed west to track and kill the men who murdered his brother. Out of the blue, a stranger offers Parker traveling money and free passage to South Pass City, Wyoming, that’s the very town where the gang he’s after is headed. To repay the stranger for his generosity, Parker agrees to track down the man’s fiancée and break off an unwanted engagement. Meeting with this fiancée should only take a day and be but a brief delay in his plan of revenge.

Callidora Truworthy is an independent woman with her mind set on being single. To end her father’s matchmaking, Callidora has hired an actor to pose as a horrible fiancé. The scrawny man in her tintype photo arrives on today’s stage. Based on looks alone, she’s sure her father’s going to dislike him. She has quite a shock when a rugged, sexy, six foot of strapping cowboy shows up as her fiancé. This man’s all wrong for the part of her fiancé. There’s no refund on a plan such as hers, and it’s too late to request a replacement actor. She’ll just have to coach this macho cowboy into acting more like a wimp and hope for the best.
What happens when a perfect plan gets a tangled twist? All hell breaks loose.

Available Here: Amazon

Parker rubbed a hand along his unshaved jaw thinking there was only one thing to do when memory fails you. You throw the crap back the direction from which it came and you see what shit sticks to the wall. “Your men have the gold off the stage. There’s no reason to detain these ladies further.”
Mrs. Dobson gave a condescending chuckle. “Parker, you know darn well there was no gold on the stage. You and the sheriff switched the gold with bags of sand.”
Suddenly, there came a woman’s scream from the upper level. Then the sound of more than one set of footsteps racing down the stairs in the hallway to the right of the parlor.
An angry man yelled, “When I get hold of you, you little slut, you’ll pay for every pain you’ve given me.”
Then the beautiful brunette rushed into the room. Parker’s blood boiled at the sight of a gash on her cheek and part of her dress torn since last he’d seen her through his looking glass. Whoever did this to her deserved a good bashing.
Parker glimpsed relief on the lady’s face when their eyes met, and she ran across the room and wrapped her arms around him. He was in utter shock. His heart skipped several beats as he enveloped her securely in his arms. A snippet of recall hit—he’d held her a time or two before like this.
He’d right the wrong that was done to the lovely lass if for no other reason than to get to know her better after this was all over.
“Parker, I’m so glad to see you.”
Her frantic breathing teased his neck. Amnesia or not, this lady with her trembling body pressed to him, it was a hell of time to have such an arousing experience. He’d love to explore a different way to make her tremble with his touch and kisses. But right this minute, their present hostage situation overruled such pleasures.
“Get your hands off my fiancée,” Morris snarled. He stormed across the room and reached for the girl clinging to Parker in fear.
The woman in Parker’s arms flinched, and he reacted by batting Morris’s hand away. “The lady prefers my company.” He looked in those violet eyes, and his heart was set on fire. “Who beat you?”
His question had an immediate, nonverbal answer when an irate man, with the rage of a red flagged bull, stampeded into the room. “I’m gonna get you, bitch.”

About Linda Gilman:

Historical western romance author Linda Gilman's outrageous novels are vivid depictions of Gold Rush era saloon girls and cowboys that are delighting fans around the globe. The colorful books are full of humorous, independent heroines and wisecracking characters. Linda has become a distinctive voice with her funny stories and quirky historical tales.
Connect with Linda: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon

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