Thursday, April 21, 2016

Book Blitz w/Giveaway: Destination Barcelona by Lori Osterberg

Destination Barcelona

book blitz
 Destination Barcelona cover

Book Title: Destination Barcelona (The Choice Series Book 1) 
Author: Lori Osterberg 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: April 12, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions


book blurb

Casey Collins had life planned out. Marriage. Career. Family. Happily ever after. Yet life had other plans.

Marriage? Not after she catches her husband with his assistant. Career? What career. Even her daughter has gone and done the unthinkable … she grew up. As she drops her daughter off at college twelve hundred miles from home, Casey is beginning to wonder what’s next in her own life. Until a chance turn of events gives her an opportunity she can’t refuse.

Jordi Muriel has built up a successful travel and real estate business in Barcelona. And after trying the marriage thing and failing miserably, chooses to live life on his terms. Now he’s ready to expand his business to the International level, and a contract with TravelVentures magazine may be just the ticket. With Casey as his first client, he’ll try everything to make this week-long tour the best.

But what happens when sparks fly from the moment the two meet? Will they be able to keep things professional, or will it change both of their lives forever?


Chapter One

That stupid book got it all wrong. It said the first week after you drop them off is the hardest. Obviously the writer didn’t know what she was talking about. Because clearly the hardest part was the agonizing one hour lunch buffet on the campus plaza before leaving them forever.

Casey had read lots of books on sending her daughter to college, including the one that gave tips for how to let go. That was the hardest part of this whole thing. Letting her go. She wasn’t one of those helicopter moms who did everything for her daughter. Still, it had been the two of them. Her only. Just them. How was she not supposed to miss her? Especially when she’d be twelve hundred miles from home.

Casey grabbed a carrot stick off Julia’s plate, nibbled on it while she watched the stage. The headmaster walked up for one final message.

“If I could have everyone’s attention one last time. I know we’ve handed a lot of information out over these past few days. There’s a lot to take in. I’ve found in the past that this day is bittersweet at best. You’re dropping off your babies, the ones you’ve watched grow into these fine young men and women that are standing with us today. We know how much they mean to you, and we’ll do everything to watch over them and continue what you started not-so-long ago. This truly will be the time of their lives. They’ll grow, they’ll learn, and they’ll have fun.”

The chuckles swept through the crowds of moms and dads, young men and young women, all about to make one of the biggest transitions of their lives. Casey liked the president. She enjoyed meeting him on the tour earlier in the year. He was warm and friendly, the perfect person to run the school she was entrusting her daughter to. She knew this was a good decision.

Casey’s eyes swept back to her daughter. How did it all go so fast? Wasn’t she just holding her in her arms in the hospital? And yet here she was dropping her baby off at college.

“I know in the next hour or so you’ll be saying your goodbyes. But don’t think of it as goodbye. Think of it as a new beginning,” his infectious grin and wide eyes captured everyone’s attention as he visually connected with the parents around him. Somehow he knew exactly what moms and dads needed to hear. “Give your children space to become who they’re meant to become. We’ve done this a time or two. They will be in good hands. But if you ever have any questions, just know my entire staff is always available to you. Give us a call anytime. Okay, that’s all I’ve got. There’s still plenty of food left everyone, thank you and enjoy the rest of your lunch.”

Casey glanced around the plaza one more time, fighting the inevitable. She saw tears in a lot of eyes. She knew hers weren’t far behind.

The kids all looked like they couldn’t wait to say goodbye and get the party started.

Including that blonde kid over there trying desperately not to be noticed while making ooglie eyes at Julia. Geez, quit looking at her like she belongs on the buffet line, Casey thought.

She turned her attention back to her daughter. It was time to say goodbye.

“Hey sweetie, you excited?” She brought Julia in for a hug. That was the good thing about dropping her kid off at college. Julia didn’t mind the constant hugs. Part of them really want to be hugged. And since every other kid is getting them too, they don’t argue.

“Yes, Mom, for the hundredth time.” Julia rolled her eyes at her for the hundredth time that day.

“Okay, okay. So, you’ve got a floor meeting this afternoon, a party tonight. Volunteering tomorrow. Oh, it all sounds like fun. Have fun. I’ll be thinking about you.” Casey hugged Julia again.

“They’ve got us taken care of. I hardly have any free time between now and when classes start on Monday. I’ll be fine. Really.”

“I know you will.” They started making their way back towards the dorms. “Well, you know I’m a phone call away. Anytime. You can call. Or Skype. Or Facetime. Or…”


Okay, there it was. Mom. That was the stopping point.

Julia decided to turn the tables. “Do you have everything?”

Casey nodded to her daughter. “Yep, I shipped all that extra stuff back home this morning. My bags are packed and in the car. I’ve got all the paperwork here in my bag.” Casey started pulling things out to make sure it was all in its place. “The magazine I’ll try and read on the plane. The final school forms I filled out this morning. My passport in case I get a wild hair to go roaming the earth.”

“Oh, Mom, I love you.” Julia flung her arms around Casey’s neck. “Do it. Follow that wild hair. Go roam somewhere. I won’t be home until Thanksgiving,” she teased.

Yeah right. Like that would ever happen. She was good ol’ dependable Casey. She took care of people. She didn’t do things spur of the moment.

“I’m serious, Mom. Have some fun while I’m gone. Live a little.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Then she thought about it. “I’m not that bad, am I?” Casey said it more to herself than to her daughter. But she really was beginning to wonder. Ever since the divorce two years before, everyone around her had been on her case to have some fun.

She was fun. She knew how to have fun. She just didn’t have the time. A kid to raise. A house to take care of. A boring job to go to. An ex-husband to loathe.

“Mom, stop. Quit thinking about Rob.”

“He’s still Dad to you, honey.

“Yeah, but he hasn’t really been acting like one, you know? So he’s Rob until he does.” Julia’s loyalty ran strong for her mom.

“See, what am I going to do without someone in the house who knows every single thing I’m thinking?” Casey loved that about their relationship. She figured that’s what happens with an only child. Their connection was … different.

They followed the flow of parents and kids down through the campus and back towards the dorms. Casey could feel the anxiety in the air. Parents missing their kids. Kids anxious for dorm life. A new chapter had begun.

One more hug. “Oh, Julia, have a good time, okay?” Casey kissed her daughter on the nose, like she’d done so many times before. “You live it up. Enjoy every moment. Have a blast. But not too much fun. Remember those grades. And whatever you do, avoid that blonde kid over there. He won’t quit staring at you. I swear, I’m going to go over there and smack him upside the head. It should be illegal to have your tongue hanging so far out of your mouth.”

Julia glanced his direction. And blushed. “That’s Zach. He’s on my floor.”

Oh God. Just kill me now, please.

“Stay away from him. He’s trouble.” Cute too. Definitely trouble.

“Yes, Mom.” Julia shrugged her shoulders, twitched her lips. Then snuck a peek back at Zach.

Yep, trouble.

Casey knew she could stretch this out forever. But there was a time and place for everything. “Okay, my beautiful girl. Goodbye. I love you. Have fun. See you.” One more hug. One more kiss.

Then she watched as her baby climbed the stairs towards her dorm. With Zach waiting to hold the door open for her.

Destination Barcelona Teaser
meet the author

After running several successful businesses, Lori Osterberg decided it was time to reinvent herself once again. Facing an empty nest and too much normal suburbia lifestyle in front of her, she talked her husband into selling off their 3300 square foot home, sell two-thirds of their stuff, all for the chance to slow travel the world. When not traveling, she finds a friend or two to share a good bottle of wine, visits tea factories, dances the night away at outdoor concerts, eats her way through farmers markets, and daydreams about the next set of characters she lives vicariously through. She’s currently writing books and living the dream in the Pacific Northwest.
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